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that end, with reports of another pending a mind-set—it’s a commitment to making under the Congressional Review Act
EO covering employment-based visas, decisions that will come down on the side (CRA).
our team has reached out to the White of economic vitality. It requires different
House to encourage them to work with behaviors from federal, state, and local We Can’t Stand Still on Trade
the Chamber and experts in the agencies actors. And it requires input from leaders
before finalizing any new orders that could of businesses large and small. On international trade, the world is always
have a detrimental impact on America’s moving forward. For American workers,
job creators. Regulatory Relief Is on the Way farmers, and companies to be able to seize
trade’s benefits, we can’t let America be left
I can assure you that we are in frequent After a relentless, eight-year regulatory behind while other nations set the rules
communication with members of the new onslaught that loaded unprecedented for us. To that end, the Chamber is hard
team and prospective appointees (many burdens on business and the economy, at work trying to make the case for trade
of whom we know very well) on the issues relief is finally on the way. The White expansion in Washington and around the
the business community cares about and is House promptly halted most pending globe.
concerned about. regulations until the administration has a
chance to review them. President Trump Ratification of the Trade Facilitation
Doubling Down on Our Growth followed that up with an executive order to Agreement
Agenda slash current regulations and their costs.
This immediate and aggressive action The little talked about, but groundbreaking,
The Chamber’s single driving focus this signals his commitment to reining in the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) is
year is revitalizing economic growth. I used regulatory state—which is a welcome expected to be ratified by the World Trade
my State of American Business address to change. Organization (WTO) imminently—a
outline a growth agenda, and we’ve kept big win for business and a top Chamber
the drumbeat going. Recent economic “The American Action priority that have been years in the making.
indicators underscore the urgency of The Forum estimates that
Chamber's mission. a record 38 major rules For the 164 members of the WTO, the
each with a price tag of TFA will streamline customs procedures
Last week it was announced that the U.S. $100 million or more to facilitate the passage of goods across
economy had slowed to 1.9% growth in were promulgated borders, boosting transparency, cutting
the fourth quarter of 2016, closing out the by the Obama administrative costs, enhancing security,
weakest year since 2011. Even worse, the administration after and leveraging modern IT tools. By
Congressional Budget Office has projected President Trump’s spurring new trade flows and driving
that 1.9% would be the average annual election victory in stronger growth, this agreement will be
growth rate for the next decade. That November. “ a welcome shot in the arm for the United
spells real trouble for the unemployed, States and global economies.
the underemployed, new entrants to our The American Action Forum estimates
workforce, and the overall fiscal health of that a record 38 major rules each with Some of the biggest beneficiaries will
the nation. a price tag of $100 million or more were be American small and medium-size
promulgated by the Obama administration businesses, which currently face a
The Chamber flatly rejects the notion that after President Trump’s election victory in labyrinth of complex administrative and
low growth is the new normal. We know November. In the coming days, lawmakers regulatory procedures associated with
real growth is possible, but most people will have the opportunity to review and moving and selling goods around the
just don’t recognize it anymore because rescind many of those 11th hour rules globe. The TFA will directly help these job
it’s been missing too long. Growth is more creators, which together represent one-
than a bill or a policy. It’s a philosophy and third of U.S. merchandise export revenue.
that end, with reports of another pending a mind-set—it’s a commitment to making under the Congressional Review Act
EO covering employment-based visas, decisions that will come down on the side (CRA).
our team has reached out to the White of economic vitality. It requires different
House to encourage them to work with behaviors from federal, state, and local We Can’t Stand Still on Trade
the Chamber and experts in the agencies actors. And it requires input from leaders
before finalizing any new orders that could of businesses large and small. On international trade, the world is always
have a detrimental impact on America’s moving forward. For American workers,
job creators. Regulatory Relief Is on the Way farmers, and companies to be able to seize
trade’s benefits, we can’t let America be left
I can assure you that we are in frequent After a relentless, eight-year regulatory behind while other nations set the rules
communication with members of the new onslaught that loaded unprecedented for us. To that end, the Chamber is hard
team and prospective appointees (many burdens on business and the economy, at work trying to make the case for trade
of whom we know very well) on the issues relief is finally on the way. The White expansion in Washington and around the
the business community cares about and is House promptly halted most pending globe.
concerned about. regulations until the administration has a
chance to review them. President Trump Ratification of the Trade Facilitation
Doubling Down on Our Growth followed that up with an executive order to Agreement
Agenda slash current regulations and their costs.
This immediate and aggressive action The little talked about, but groundbreaking,
The Chamber’s single driving focus this signals his commitment to reining in the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) is
year is revitalizing economic growth. I used regulatory state—which is a welcome expected to be ratified by the World Trade
my State of American Business address to change. Organization (WTO) imminently—a
outline a growth agenda, and we’ve kept big win for business and a top Chamber
the drumbeat going. Recent economic “The American Action priority that have been years in the making.
indicators underscore the urgency of The Forum estimates that
Chamber's mission. a record 38 major rules For the 164 members of the WTO, the
each with a price tag of TFA will streamline customs procedures
Last week it was announced that the U.S. $100 million or more to facilitate the passage of goods across
economy had slowed to 1.9% growth in were promulgated borders, boosting transparency, cutting
the fourth quarter of 2016, closing out the by the Obama administrative costs, enhancing security,
weakest year since 2011. Even worse, the administration after and leveraging modern IT tools. By
Congressional Budget Office has projected President Trump’s spurring new trade flows and driving
that 1.9% would be the average annual election victory in stronger growth, this agreement will be
growth rate for the next decade. That November. “ a welcome shot in the arm for the United
spells real trouble for the unemployed, States and global economies.
the underemployed, new entrants to our The American Action Forum estimates
workforce, and the overall fiscal health of that a record 38 major rules each with Some of the biggest beneficiaries will
the nation. a price tag of $100 million or more were be American small and medium-size
promulgated by the Obama administration businesses, which currently face a
The Chamber flatly rejects the notion that after President Trump’s election victory in labyrinth of complex administrative and
low growth is the new normal. We know November. In the coming days, lawmakers regulatory procedures associated with
real growth is possible, but most people will have the opportunity to review and moving and selling goods around the
just don’t recognize it anymore because rescind many of those 11th hour rules globe. The TFA will directly help these job
it’s been missing too long. Growth is more creators, which together represent one-
than a bill or a policy. It’s a philosophy and third of U.S. merchandise export revenue.