Page 13 - SCBJ-201703
P. 13
March 2017
policy and law, and we stand ready to help create meaningful Agenda, which offers specific recommendation in a number
policy that will actually meet the retirement needs of small of areas to reform the systemic risk designation process by
business owners, employees, and retirement savers.” establishing clear rules of due process.
The Chamber has long been vocal in calling for reforms to In regards to the fiduciary rule, in June 2016 the Chamber
the Dodd-Frank Act. Last year the U.S. Chamber's Center launched a legal challenge against DOL over the fiduciary
for Capital Markets Competitiveness (CCMC) released rule and the case is still pending.
Restarting the Growth Engine: A Plan to Reform America's The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business
federation representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses
of all sizes, sectors, and regions, as well as state and local chambers
and industry associations.
Capital Markets, an action plan the new administration and
Congress can follow to enhance financial stability and spur
Main Street economic growth. Additionally, in 2013 CCMC
EC2hxeacmubtievreAApcptiloanusdsonPrReseigduelnattiTonrusmp’sreleased the Financial Stability Oversight Council Reform
Chamber issued the following statement today regarding “We look forward to working with the administration to
President Trump’s executive actions on regulations: identify the regulations doing the most harm and recommend
“The Chamber applauds the president for fulfilling the solutions that drive growth and jobs.”
campaign’s promise to take on the regulatory juggernaut that “We also urge the Senate to take up the House passed
is limiting economic growth, choking small business, and ‘Regulatory Accountability Act’ to stabilize the regulatory
putting people out of work.” process going forward.”
3Chamber Congratulates President
Trump’s Nominee for Supreme Court
Chamber issued the following statement today “We congratulate Judge Gorsuch and applaud President
regarding President Trump’s nomination of Judge Trump for quickly naming a Supreme Court justice
Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court of the United States. nominee. The Supreme Court plays a critical role ensuring
the rule of law is upheld and constitutional protections for
all are honored. The election is over and now it's time for
the Senate to act.”
policy and law, and we stand ready to help create meaningful Agenda, which offers specific recommendation in a number
policy that will actually meet the retirement needs of small of areas to reform the systemic risk designation process by
business owners, employees, and retirement savers.” establishing clear rules of due process.
The Chamber has long been vocal in calling for reforms to In regards to the fiduciary rule, in June 2016 the Chamber
the Dodd-Frank Act. Last year the U.S. Chamber's Center launched a legal challenge against DOL over the fiduciary
for Capital Markets Competitiveness (CCMC) released rule and the case is still pending.
Restarting the Growth Engine: A Plan to Reform America's The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business
federation representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses
of all sizes, sectors, and regions, as well as state and local chambers
and industry associations.
Capital Markets, an action plan the new administration and
Congress can follow to enhance financial stability and spur
Main Street economic growth. Additionally, in 2013 CCMC
EC2hxeacmubtievreAApcptiloanusdsonPrReseigduelnattiTonrusmp’sreleased the Financial Stability Oversight Council Reform
Chamber issued the following statement today regarding “We look forward to working with the administration to
President Trump’s executive actions on regulations: identify the regulations doing the most harm and recommend
“The Chamber applauds the president for fulfilling the solutions that drive growth and jobs.”
campaign’s promise to take on the regulatory juggernaut that “We also urge the Senate to take up the House passed
is limiting economic growth, choking small business, and ‘Regulatory Accountability Act’ to stabilize the regulatory
putting people out of work.” process going forward.”
3Chamber Congratulates President
Trump’s Nominee for Supreme Court
Chamber issued the following statement today “We congratulate Judge Gorsuch and applaud President
regarding President Trump’s nomination of Judge Trump for quickly naming a Supreme Court justice
Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court of the United States. nominee. The Supreme Court plays a critical role ensuring
the rule of law is upheld and constitutional protections for
all are honored. The election is over and now it's time for
the Senate to act.”