Page 10 - SCBJ-201703
P. 10
DealingWith a New Administration
and New Congress
Photo from
Last week U.S. Chamber President, 100 days, and they’re now cautioning that As the election is over, and Judge Gorsuch
Tom Donohue gave an update on the such a bold and complex agenda will take deserves swift consideration by the Senate.
state of “things” in Washington. Here are the better part of this year to undertake.
some excerpts you may want to know. Passing a new budget and raising the Some of President Trump’s early actions
debt ceiling are also must-do priorities have been greeted very positively by the
Things are moving in Washington at a in the early going. Senate floor time will business community, while others have
pace this town has not seen in many years. be a precious commodity as lawmakers resulted in controversy and uncertainty.
President Trump has acted quickly to put
his stamp on the direction of national “Things are moving For example, on Friday, January 27,
policy and international relations through in Washington at a the president issued an executive order
a flurry of executive orders and discussions pace this town has (EO) that, among other things, restricted
with global leaders. not seen in many travel into the United States from seven
years.” countries for several months. Our team
The Republican majority in Congress immediately went to work conferring with
has moved quickly as well, outlining the work through some 1,200 administration experts and our members to understand
most ambitious congressional agenda in appointments requiring confirmation. The the practical implications of the EO. We
decades. Regulatory reform, health care Senate has yet to vote on a number of the will continue to consult with our members
reform, tax reform, and the expansion president’s Cabinet appointees. and policymakers to seek clarification
of American infrastructure—all major and pertinent adjustments to the
priorities for the business community—are The Chamber has also applauded President implementation.
at the top of the list. Trump for moving quickly to nominate
Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court. The president’s EO highlighted the
At the same time, reality is also setting in. importance of the new administration
Congressional leaders are walking back engaging with the business community
promises of big achievements in the first on complex issues like visa policy. To
DealingWith a New Administration
and New Congress
Photo from
Last week U.S. Chamber President, 100 days, and they’re now cautioning that As the election is over, and Judge Gorsuch
Tom Donohue gave an update on the such a bold and complex agenda will take deserves swift consideration by the Senate.
state of “things” in Washington. Here are the better part of this year to undertake.
some excerpts you may want to know. Passing a new budget and raising the Some of President Trump’s early actions
debt ceiling are also must-do priorities have been greeted very positively by the
Things are moving in Washington at a in the early going. Senate floor time will business community, while others have
pace this town has not seen in many years. be a precious commodity as lawmakers resulted in controversy and uncertainty.
President Trump has acted quickly to put
his stamp on the direction of national “Things are moving For example, on Friday, January 27,
policy and international relations through in Washington at a the president issued an executive order
a flurry of executive orders and discussions pace this town has (EO) that, among other things, restricted
with global leaders. not seen in many travel into the United States from seven
years.” countries for several months. Our team
The Republican majority in Congress immediately went to work conferring with
has moved quickly as well, outlining the work through some 1,200 administration experts and our members to understand
most ambitious congressional agenda in appointments requiring confirmation. The the practical implications of the EO. We
decades. Regulatory reform, health care Senate has yet to vote on a number of the will continue to consult with our members
reform, tax reform, and the expansion president’s Cabinet appointees. and policymakers to seek clarification
of American infrastructure—all major and pertinent adjustments to the
priorities for the business community—are The Chamber has also applauded President implementation.
at the top of the list. Trump for moving quickly to nominate
Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court. The president’s EO highlighted the
At the same time, reality is also setting in. importance of the new administration
Congressional leaders are walking back engaging with the business community
promises of big achievements in the first on complex issues like visa policy. To