Page 22 - SCBJ-201512
P. 22
HLIGHTS South China Business Journal
Washington in Action
Hillary Clinton Political Landscape
- Trade on the
Though she initially supported the Campaign Trail
TPP trade agreement while Secretary
of State, Clinton has since backtracked Though terrorism and immigration have
on her support citing concerns over dominated recent headlines, the topic of international
labor and environmental terms among trade still remains a top issue on the campaign trail with
other provisions. Commenting during a particular focus on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
the first Democratic debate on October Among Republican candidates, Jeb Bush and John Kasich
13, Clinton outlined her opposition to
the agreement stating, “When I was DEMOCRATSsupport the agreement, as do Ben Carson and Marco
secretary of state…I hoped it would be Rubio. However, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are
the gold standard. It was just finally firmly in the opposition. For Democrats, both
negotiated last week, and in looking Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders oppose
at it, it didn’t meet my standards. My the agreement though Sanders is more
standards for more new, good jobs vehement in his opposition.
for Americans, for rising wages for
Americans”. Bernie Sanders be critical to his success in 2016.
Following the release of the TPP
20 Sanders, a self-identified socialist, is a text, Sanders took yet another jab
longtime opponent of free trade. He voted at Clinton and vowed to obstruct
against trade promotion authority citing passage of the agreement in the Senate
concerns over labor and environmental and if elected President stating, “It is clear
standards and has used the trade issue as to me that the proposed agreement is not,
a means to drive a wedge between his and nor has it ever been, the gold standard of
Hillary Clinton’s campaign and to shore trade agreements”.
up support among the Democratic Party’s
liberal base – a constituency that will
Washington in Action
Hillary Clinton Political Landscape
- Trade on the
Though she initially supported the Campaign Trail
TPP trade agreement while Secretary
of State, Clinton has since backtracked Though terrorism and immigration have
on her support citing concerns over dominated recent headlines, the topic of international
labor and environmental terms among trade still remains a top issue on the campaign trail with
other provisions. Commenting during a particular focus on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
the first Democratic debate on October Among Republican candidates, Jeb Bush and John Kasich
13, Clinton outlined her opposition to
the agreement stating, “When I was DEMOCRATSsupport the agreement, as do Ben Carson and Marco
secretary of state…I hoped it would be Rubio. However, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are
the gold standard. It was just finally firmly in the opposition. For Democrats, both
negotiated last week, and in looking Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders oppose
at it, it didn’t meet my standards. My the agreement though Sanders is more
standards for more new, good jobs vehement in his opposition.
for Americans, for rising wages for
Americans”. Bernie Sanders be critical to his success in 2016.
Following the release of the TPP
20 Sanders, a self-identified socialist, is a text, Sanders took yet another jab
longtime opponent of free trade. He voted at Clinton and vowed to obstruct
against trade promotion authority citing passage of the agreement in the Senate
concerns over labor and environmental and if elected President stating, “It is clear
standards and has used the trade issue as to me that the proposed agreement is not,
a means to drive a wedge between his and nor has it ever been, the gold standard of
Hillary Clinton’s campaign and to shore trade agreements”.
up support among the Democratic Party’s
liberal base – a constituency that will