Page 19 - SCBJ-201512
P. 19
December 2015

House and Senate conferees met Conferees Deliberate on
this week to begin reconciling Transportation, Ex-Im Bills
differences over long-term transportation
funding legislation; the House- and 30 in order to be able to send it to the paid and earned media, and an extensive,
Senate-approved bills include identical president by November 4. ongoing battery of meetings with
legislation to reform and reauthorize Members of Congress. Over the next few
the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im) for The Chamber has spared no effort in its weeks we will continue to work with the
five years. Congress also approved a advocacy for Ex-Im, leading a whole-of- House and Senate as they seek to reconcile
short-term transportation funding patch organization campaign with our national the two transportation bills.
that will last until December 4. House federation, a communications push with
Transportation Chairman Bill Shuster
(R-PA) said lawmakers plan to file a
conference report on the bill by November

On November 18, newly minted Ways American’ as well. That means advancing as Chair of the Health Subcommittee
and Means Committee Chairman an ambitious trade agenda that creates will be Representative Pat Tiberi (R-OH)
Replacing Tiberi as Chairman of the Trade
Kevin Brady (R-TX) delivered remarks opportunities for American workers, Subcommittee will be Rep. Dave Reichert
(R-WA). Tax Policy will be led by Rep.
on his vision for the Committee’s work farmers and local businesses to sell their Charles W. Boustany, Jr., MD (R-LA), and
replacing him on Human Resources will
for the remainder of the 114th Congress. products and services to every corner of be Vern Buchanan (R-FL).

He stated in part: “It’s not enough to the globe. And I intend for this committee Brady announced his support team will be
led by staff director David Stewart, whose
simply ‘buy American’, we have to ‘sell to examine closely and transparently portfolio in the office of House Speaker
John Boehner included international
the proposed Trans-Pacific trade. Angela Ellard was also asked to stay
on as head of Brady’s trade staff.
Brady, Reichert Partnership agreement to
determine if it achieves the

to Lead high ambition set forth in our
Ways and new trade rules.”
Means, Trade
Subcommittee On November 19,
the Committee held
Subcommittee elections.
Replacing Chairman Brady

TTIP Negotiator Briefs Business Coalition

On November 17, Assistant U.S. an overview of the progress that had been market access, regulatory cooperation,
Trade Representative for Europe made at the 11th round of negotiations in and rules. By the time the two sides next
Dan Mullaney joined the Chamber and Miami in October and described a path meet, they will have exchanged offers
the Business Coalition for Transatlantic forward for the talks ahead of the next for tariff reduction, access to services
Trade to discuss the latest developments round in early 2016 in Brussels. markets, and public procurement, as well
in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment as investment protection.
Partnership (TTIP) negotiations. As the The next round will be used as a “mid-
U.S. chief negotiator, Mullaney presented game” to determine what is achievable in

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