Page 19 - SCBJ-201511
P. 19
November 2015

The Senate had previously voted to reauthorize Ex-Im as part of giving Iran and that every other oil-producing nation in the
its multiyear highway bill. With both chambers now on record, world embraces—to sell oil to the global market.
the search is on for an appropriate legislative pathway to get a
bill done and to the president’s desk. The longer the delay, the Obamacare Reform. In a rare show of bipartisanship,
more American jobs will be lost. Congress passed and the president signed a law that halts one
of the Affordable Care Act’s counterproductive mandates, which
Oil Export Ban. Bipartisan legislation eliminating the archaic was scheduled to take effect next year. Companies with between
oil export ban passed the House in October. We are strongly 51 and 100 employees would have been required to purchase
urging the Senate to follow suit. The ban on crude oil exports is health plans through the small group insurance market. Nearly
a relic of the past that robs Americans of good jobs across the two-thirds of companies pushed into that market would have
nation and handicaps our economy. Lifting the ban would give suffered premium increases of 18% on average. Some would
America the same opportunity the administration proposes have seen premium increases of 35%. Ensuring that small and

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