Page 21 - SCBJ-201511
P. 21
November 2015

Dear 45 Campaign The study also found that technology growth isn’t just being
driven by the industries we often consider high tech—such
Election Day is just over a year out, and though the Chamber as software and Internet services. Technology is increasingly
won’t be engaged in presidential politics, we will be more reshaping established fields and industries all over the country
engaged than ever in presidential policy. On November 10, the like manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, energy,
Chamber’s Communications Division is launching the Dear 45 pharmaceuticals, and finance. Companies in these industries
Campaign, a yearlong effort to outline the pro-business policies are hiring more employees than ever with STEM skills. As a
that the next president should focus on in order to accelerate result, high-skilled employment opportunities are dispersing to
economic growth and job creation. many states across the nation, promoting continued innovation
and technology development.
Each month we’ll write a letter to the 45th president
highlighting one of our policy priorities—including tax reform, The Foundation will continue to highlight the pro-growth
trade, education, and entitlement reform. We’ll post the letter policies of the top-performing states through press releases,
on our digital editorial platform, Above the Fold, share it with social media, and in-person visits. To learn where your state
our members and federation partners, and spread it far and ranks, visit
wide using traditional and social media.
Honoring Businesses for Doing Good
Look for the inaugural Dear 45 letter in your email inbox on
November 10th. We welcome your comments and your ideas. The Enterprising States report is only one example of the
impressive work coming from the U.S. Chamber Foundation,
States Lead the Way on Innovation with its renewed focus on educating the public about the great
potential for businesses to solve problems, make a difference,
Justice Louis Brandeis once remarked that states were the and create opportunity.
“laboratories of democracy.” With polarization, gridlock, and
poor economic policies coming from Washington, it’s more One way the Foundation highlights the good things businesses
important than ever that the states embrace innovation and are doing every day is through its annual Corporate Citizenship
pro-growth policies. Awards Program, which showcases leading companies and
chambers of commerce that are having a positive impact on
Last month the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation their employees, communities, and the world.
released its sixth annual Enterprising States report, ranking
states on key indicators including economic performance, Last month the Foundation presented awards in eight
innovation and entrepreneurship, business climate, talent categories. Among the winners were IBM for improving the
pipeline, transportation and trade, and high-tech performance. quality of life for people around the world; the GE Foundation
for investing more than $225 million and thousands of hours to
This year’s report, Enterprising States: States Innovate, finds support student achievement and professional development for
that although Silicon Valley remains the epicenter of U.S. teachers across the country; and UPS for its program to deliver
high-tech activity, technology-driven economic development critical, lifesaving aid to communities in need around the world.
is building momentum in other parts of the country. States
ranging from Utah and Massachusetts to North Carolina and
Texas rank in the top 10 for high-tech performance.

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