Page 15 - SCBJ-201511
P. 15
November 2015

To: The 45th President of the United States On other important issues, you won’t be able to go it
From: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce alone. You’ll have to work hand-in-hand with Congress,
and, as we have seen in recent years,that can be easier
Dear 45, said than done. That’s why it’s so important you arrive
ready and willing to forge a cooperative relationship with
Welcome to the neighborhood! Well, not quite yet, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. Only then can we
but you’ll have to forgive us for being excited. A new break through the gridlock in Washington.
administration represents a potential fresh start for
America, and on behalf of the U.S. business community, Working with Congress, it will be up to you to set an
we’re eager to work with you. After all, there’s a lot of agenda that addresses our country’s most important
important work ahead. unfinished business, including modernizing our
immigration rules while protecting our borders,
Of course, we don’t yet know your name, nor do we cementing a long-term transportation and infrastructure
know what party you represent. But that’s not what’s plan, rewriting our tax code, and securing entitlement
important. We’re interested in talking policy, not politics, programs through reasonable, sustainable reforms.
and we hope you are, too. Because if we’ve learned Business leaders also will be counting on you and
anything over the past century, it’s that entrepreneurs lawmakers to address serious shortcomings in recent
and small business owners don’t think in terms of left and efforts to reform our health care and financial services
right, liberal and conservative; they’re too busy thinking sectors, as well as to promote changes to the U.S.
about their next sale, their next client, their next hire – education system that better prepare tomorrow’s
and they need policies that help them get there. workforce for tomorrow’s job market.

With that in mind, we want to take the opportunity to These are just a few of the many issues on which our
introduce you to the issues that are most important to the nation’s businesses will look to you for leadership. It
employers, executives and entrepreneurs who will soon won’t be easy, but then, easy isn’t what you signed up
call you their president. So over the next year, as you for when you announced your candidacy. You signed
traverse the campaign trail, we’ll be sending letters your up to lead the most free and most prosperous nation in
way to get you up to speed on some of the most important the world – a country that celebrates risk, rewards hard
issues, so that you’re ready to hit the ground running on work and embodies the spirit of free enterprise.
Day One.
But you’re not alone. We’ll be here to help, and we’re right
These ideas include bipartisan proposals for streamlining across the street. We may not always agree, but we’ll
and improving our nation’s unruly regulatory system. always be straightforward with our advice and we’ll
This “fourth branch” of government has grown so massive always strive to work together. No matter what problems
and intrusive that it is driving jobs away, discouraging our country may face, we hope you’ll remember that
business investment and stifling small businesses. The America’s businesses can be a big part of the solution.
good news is that there are ways we can cut through all
that red tape without shortchanging the health and safety So please keep an eye out for more correspondence
protections Americans need. from us. In the meantime, best of luck out there on the
campaign trail. We’re ready to get to work, and we know
In addition, U.S. businesses will benefit from your you are, too.
leadership abroad. They need a president who is
committed to building stronger ties with our partners Until next time,
overseas, paving the way for more exports of American U.S. Chamber of Commerce
goods around the world – including a portion of our vast
energy resources. They also need a president who will 13
stand up for their interests in foreign countries, helping to
protect their investments and intellectual property.
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