Page 18 - SCBJ-201511
P. 18
South China Business Journal

HIGHLIGHTS Chamber and
Washington in Action

AS WE ENTER the final two months of the year, Congress has with the Department of Homeland Security and with each
deferred any fights over the debt limit and spending until other—while shielding businesses from legal exposure when
2017, the Chamber is moving the ball on some key priorities, and they try to do the right thing.
the 2016 election cycle is really starting to heat up.
The Senate bill must now be reconciled with the version
Although we don’t like everything in the new budget and previously passed by the House. We’re confident a reconciled
debt limit agreement, it spares the nation and the business bill will reach the president’s desk in the near future and that he
community further uncertainty, which could have hobbled our will sign it. This victory would not have been possible without
already underperforming economy. It also allows Congress the Chamber’s strong leadership and tenacity. It is a major step
to move on to other issues and some important unfinished forward on an issue that has far-reaching ramifications for our
business. economic and national security.

We’re also pleased that the House has resolved its leadership Trans-Pacific Partnership. The 12 nations involved in
crisis. The new speaker, Paul Ryan, is an innovative, creative, negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership reached an
and often courageous lawmaker. We hope that all who pledged agreement last month, although the final text has yet to be
to support him keep their word. released. The Chamber has been encouraging the negotiations
from the start and was present at every negotiating round. Once
Even with the recent turmoil on the Hill, the growing focus on the final language is available, the Chamber will take a position
the presidential election, and concerns about slowing global based on the scrutiny and views of our International Policy
and domestic growth, the Chamber is maintaining a strong Committee and our board.
focus on advancing our Jobs, Growth, and Opportunity Agenda.
No nation ever achieves everything it wants in a trade deal, but
We’re also working hard to attract the financial resources we we’ve long argued that a robust TPP that lowers trade barriers
need to run this organization effectively, attract the best people, to American goods and services in the world’s most dynamic
and vigorously pursue our members’ interests before the White region could be a game changer for our workers, businesses,
House, Congress, federal agencies, the courts, and in the court and farmers. And it would represent an essential reassertion of
of public opinion. The Chamber collects the bulk of its revenues American leadership in the Asia-Pacific.
in the last two months of the year. We’re in a mad dash to get
the money in the door and, as always, we appreciate the support Ex-Im Bank. Despite a misguided two-year campaign by
of this board and other dedicated members in this effort. some conservative think tanks and activists, the House recently
voted overwhelmingly to reauthorize Ex-Im. This positive vote
Legislative and Regulatory Update not only drew the support of nearly every Democrat but also
a majority of House Republicans. The Chamber spared no
The Chamber won some key victories and advanced other effort to win this vote and was aided by the unfortunate reality
priorities during October. Here are a few highlights: that American jobs are being lost every day due to the Bank’s
current inability to back new U.S. export sales.
Cybersecurity Bill. With strong lobbying from the Chamber,
the Senate passed its version of a bill permitting companies to
share specific information about cyber breaches and threats

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