Page 9 - 2024 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 9
US goods and services, and the United States 国在数字化方面进展非常迅猛,而这与外国游客所掌
is among the top export markets for China. This 握 的 科 技 并 不 兼 容 。当 外 国 游 客 们 第 一 次 到 达 该 国
trade has helped the United States in the form 时,这一点立即显而易见。游客们必须在他们的手机
of lower prices for consumers and higher profits 上接收一个验证码才能在机场使用无线网络,但他们
for corporations. China is now the third-largest 的手机却无法接收验证码。而这只是他们一系列数字
export market for the United States, behind 困 境 的 开 始 。新 冠 疫 情 过 后,中 国 推 出 了 数 字 货 币,
Canada and Mexico. A 2022 report by the US- 即数字人民币,力图成为一个使用非接触式支付的无
China Business Council found that exports to 现金社会,并有望成为全球第一个实现这一目标的国
China supported more than one million jobs in 家。这对初来乍到的外企领导来说很是棘手,他们很
the United States. 快发现很难管理自己的生活,因为到达时没有阿里巴
China’s financial technology is taking off 亿人口中约有60%的人通过移动支付进行消费。随着
amid a backdrop of growing consumption and a 这一趋势的发展,中国或可成为一个无现金经济体,
large, tech-savvy domestic millennial generation. 也就是数字支付完全取代现金。大多数的本土小贩和
China has advance so fast into digitization that 出 租 车 司 机 甚 至 完 全 不 接 受 现 金 支 付 。而 更 糟 糕 的
it is no longer compatible with foreign visitors’ 是,大多数地方也不接受信用卡支付。
technology. This is immediately obvious when
they first arrive in the country. Visitors have to 中国的数字化也使商务往来变得极其困难。从前,
receive a pin on their phones to get Wi-Fi at the 名片被视为个人的延伸,现在早已时过境迁。由于人
airport, but their phones won’t work. This is just 们已不再使用过去那样打印或线上的企业名录,再加
the beginning of their digital dilemma. In the 上人们不再携带名片,微信已成为联系的常态。但有
aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, China has 一个主要问题是,微信允许虚构姓名,使用昵称,不需
launched its digital currency, the digital Yuan 要实名认证、备注企业名称及头衔等。人脉对于企业
or RMB, in its bid to become a cashless society 发展至关重要,如此现状却严重损害了企业的发展。
using contactless payments, and is poised to
become the first country in the world to do so. 要保持经济稳健增长,中国还需要消费支出的复
This is problematic to new foreign business 苏,在新冠疫情期间,全国消费支出急剧下降,自2021
leaders. They quickly find life difficult to manage 年末以来一直低于正常水平。2023年中国经济反弹复
because they arrive without Alibaba’s Alipay and 苏,除了归功于消费支出的增长,同时还得益于政府
Tencent’s WeChat Pay. Around 60% of China’s 1.3 宽松的政策。根据国际货币基金组织的数据,中国的
billion population made a purchase via mobile 经济增长与2023年约5%的目标一致,但预计2024年
payment by 2023. As the trend continues, China 及以后将失去动力,2028年降至4.6%。预计将面临生
may soon become a cashless economy, where 产率疲软和人口老龄化带来的不利因素。话虽如此,
digital payment methods totally replace cash. 中国经济仍拥有14亿人口的庞大市场和先进的工业
Most local businesses and taxis won’t take paper 基础这两大优势。
money at all. To make matters worse, most
places won’t accept credit cards either. 恩莱特司各特咨询公司的一项研究显示,外商投
China’s digitalization has also made 国提供了27%的就业机会,而美资企业每年对中国国
networking extremely difficult. Traditionally, 内生产总值的贡献是通常衡量美国外国直接投资流
business cards were treated as extensions of 入价值的180倍。这就解释了为什么尽管外资企业仍
the person. This is no longer the case. In the 面临着三年来新冠疫情的影响、供应链中断、集装箱
absence of past printed or online directories 短缺、国际旅行和物流成本过高以及全球需求不振所
and the fact that people no longer carry 带来的持续困境,仍谨慎地保持着对华投资。
business cards, WeChat has become the norm
for getting connected. A major problem is that 《2024年华南地区经济情况特别报告》显示,在
WeChat allows fictitious names and does not 计划2024年进行在华再投资的76%受访企业中,77%
require real name identification, business name 的受访企业在华预算再投资主要集中在较低额度
titles and such. Networking is paramount to
business growth and the status quo is severely
hurting business.
To sustain solid growth China also needs
a recovery in consumer spending, which
took a nosedive during the omicron wave of
COVID-19 and has remained below par since
is among the top export markets for China. This 握 的 科 技 并 不 兼 容 。当 外 国 游 客 们 第 一 次 到 达 该 国
trade has helped the United States in the form 时,这一点立即显而易见。游客们必须在他们的手机
of lower prices for consumers and higher profits 上接收一个验证码才能在机场使用无线网络,但他们
for corporations. China is now the third-largest 的手机却无法接收验证码。而这只是他们一系列数字
export market for the United States, behind 困 境 的 开 始 。新 冠 疫 情 过 后,中 国 推 出 了 数 字 货 币,
Canada and Mexico. A 2022 report by the US- 即数字人民币,力图成为一个使用非接触式支付的无
China Business Council found that exports to 现金社会,并有望成为全球第一个实现这一目标的国
China supported more than one million jobs in 家。这对初来乍到的外企领导来说很是棘手,他们很
the United States. 快发现很难管理自己的生活,因为到达时没有阿里巴
China’s financial technology is taking off 亿人口中约有60%的人通过移动支付进行消费。随着
amid a backdrop of growing consumption and a 这一趋势的发展,中国或可成为一个无现金经济体,
large, tech-savvy domestic millennial generation. 也就是数字支付完全取代现金。大多数的本土小贩和
China has advance so fast into digitization that 出 租 车 司 机 甚 至 完 全 不 接 受 现 金 支 付 。而 更 糟 糕 的
it is no longer compatible with foreign visitors’ 是,大多数地方也不接受信用卡支付。
technology. This is immediately obvious when
they first arrive in the country. Visitors have to 中国的数字化也使商务往来变得极其困难。从前,
receive a pin on their phones to get Wi-Fi at the 名片被视为个人的延伸,现在早已时过境迁。由于人
airport, but their phones won’t work. This is just 们已不再使用过去那样打印或线上的企业名录,再加
the beginning of their digital dilemma. In the 上人们不再携带名片,微信已成为联系的常态。但有
aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, China has 一个主要问题是,微信允许虚构姓名,使用昵称,不需
launched its digital currency, the digital Yuan 要实名认证、备注企业名称及头衔等。人脉对于企业
or RMB, in its bid to become a cashless society 发展至关重要,如此现状却严重损害了企业的发展。
using contactless payments, and is poised to
become the first country in the world to do so. 要保持经济稳健增长,中国还需要消费支出的复
This is problematic to new foreign business 苏,在新冠疫情期间,全国消费支出急剧下降,自2021
leaders. They quickly find life difficult to manage 年末以来一直低于正常水平。2023年中国经济反弹复
because they arrive without Alibaba’s Alipay and 苏,除了归功于消费支出的增长,同时还得益于政府
Tencent’s WeChat Pay. Around 60% of China’s 1.3 宽松的政策。根据国际货币基金组织的数据,中国的
billion population made a purchase via mobile 经济增长与2023年约5%的目标一致,但预计2024年
payment by 2023. As the trend continues, China 及以后将失去动力,2028年降至4.6%。预计将面临生
may soon become a cashless economy, where 产率疲软和人口老龄化带来的不利因素。话虽如此,
digital payment methods totally replace cash. 中国经济仍拥有14亿人口的庞大市场和先进的工业
Most local businesses and taxis won’t take paper 基础这两大优势。
money at all. To make matters worse, most
places won’t accept credit cards either. 恩莱特司各特咨询公司的一项研究显示,外商投
China’s digitalization has also made 国提供了27%的就业机会,而美资企业每年对中国国
networking extremely difficult. Traditionally, 内生产总值的贡献是通常衡量美国外国直接投资流
business cards were treated as extensions of 入价值的180倍。这就解释了为什么尽管外资企业仍
the person. This is no longer the case. In the 面临着三年来新冠疫情的影响、供应链中断、集装箱
absence of past printed or online directories 短缺、国际旅行和物流成本过高以及全球需求不振所
and the fact that people no longer carry 带来的持续困境,仍谨慎地保持着对华投资。
business cards, WeChat has become the norm
for getting connected. A major problem is that 《2024年华南地区经济情况特别报告》显示,在
WeChat allows fictitious names and does not 计划2024年进行在华再投资的76%受访企业中,77%
require real name identification, business name 的受访企业在华预算再投资主要集中在较低额度
titles and such. Networking is paramount to
business growth and the status quo is severely
hurting business.
To sustain solid growth China also needs
a recovery in consumer spending, which
took a nosedive during the omicron wave of
COVID-19 and has remained below par since