Page 8 - 2024 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 8
President’s Message 会长致辞
Dear Members, 尊敬的会员:
Greetings, and welcome to the 您好,欢迎阅读华南美国商会本年度发布的《华
20th annual edition of the AmCham South China 南地区经济情况特别报告》,该报告至今已连续发布
Special Report on the State of Business in South 二十年。总的来说,《特别报告》展示了在华外商发展
China. Combined, our annual reports represent 态 势 的 阶 段 性 历 史 缩 影 。今 年 的《 特 别 报 告 》将 揭 示
a unique history of foreign business trends in 外 资 企 业 和 中 国 经 济 发 展 所 经 历 的 增 长 、低 迷 和 希
China one snapshot at a time. This year’s edition 望。2023年下半年,美国内阁成员与中国官员进行了
continues the narrative of growth, turmoil, 会晤,两国领导人进行了多次正式和非正式的会谈。
and hope. The last half of 2023 saw meetings 目前双方已经取得了一些进展,但未来还有更多需要
between US cabinet members and their Chinese 协商的议题。尽管经济学家常说,贸易战没有赢家,因
counterpart, and both formal and informal talks 为各方的成本都会上升。但在2018年至2020年期间,
between the presents of our great nations. We 美国和中国陷入了自20世纪30年代以来最大规模的
are at a moment where some progress has 贸易战,伴随而来的是关税激增,市场混乱,以及全球
been made, but many more issues that need to 经济可能陷入衰退的危机。作为贸易战的“休战”,两
remain on the table for future agreements. Even 国于2020年1月签署了中美第一阶段经贸协议。但该
though economists routinely say that no one 协议几乎保留了所有的关税政策,美国对中国的压制
wins a trade war because costs rise on all sides, 自那时起就一直存在。
between 2018 and 2020, the US and China fought
the biggest trade war since the 1930s, hiking 在邓小平的领导下,中国于上世纪70年代末开始
tariffs, upending markets, and threatening to 了长达数十年的经济改革进程。中国放松了国家对经
plunge the global economy into recession. The 济的控制,允许私营企业发展。经过与美国和世界贸
two sides signed a Phase One trade agreement 易组织其他成员国的长期谈判,中国于2001年12月加
in January 2020, which acted as a kind of truce 入世贸组织;然而,早在2001年中国加入世界贸易组
in the trade war. But the deal left nearly all the 织之前,两国贸易就已悄然开展。1979年以来,美国与
tariffs in place, so American pressure on China 中国的贸易成指数增长,成为两国经济至关重要的部
has continued since then. 分。如今,中国已成为美国商品和服务的最大出口市场
China began a decades-long process of 边贸易帮助美国降低了消费品价格,提高了企业的利
economic reform in the late 1970s under the 润。中国目前是美国第三大出口市场,仅次于加拿大
leadership of Deng Xiaoping. His government 和墨西哥。美中贸易全国委员会(US-China Business
loosened state control over the economy and Council)2022年的一份报告显示,对华出口为美国提
allowed private industry to develop. After 供了100多万个就业岗位。
protracted negotiations with the United States
and other World Trade Organization members, 随着消费市场的不断扩大以及擅长接收新技术
China joined the WTO in December 2001; however, 的千禧一代的成长,中国的金融科技迎来了腾飞。中
trade between the two countries was growing
even before China joined the WTO in 2001. US
trade with China has grown exponentially since
1979 and has become crucial for both countries.
Today, China is one of the largest export markets
Dear Members, 尊敬的会员:
Greetings, and welcome to the 您好,欢迎阅读华南美国商会本年度发布的《华
20th annual edition of the AmCham South China 南地区经济情况特别报告》,该报告至今已连续发布
Special Report on the State of Business in South 二十年。总的来说,《特别报告》展示了在华外商发展
China. Combined, our annual reports represent 态 势 的 阶 段 性 历 史 缩 影 。今 年 的《 特 别 报 告 》将 揭 示
a unique history of foreign business trends in 外 资 企 业 和 中 国 经 济 发 展 所 经 历 的 增 长 、低 迷 和 希
China one snapshot at a time. This year’s edition 望。2023年下半年,美国内阁成员与中国官员进行了
continues the narrative of growth, turmoil, 会晤,两国领导人进行了多次正式和非正式的会谈。
and hope. The last half of 2023 saw meetings 目前双方已经取得了一些进展,但未来还有更多需要
between US cabinet members and their Chinese 协商的议题。尽管经济学家常说,贸易战没有赢家,因
counterpart, and both formal and informal talks 为各方的成本都会上升。但在2018年至2020年期间,
between the presents of our great nations. We 美国和中国陷入了自20世纪30年代以来最大规模的
are at a moment where some progress has 贸易战,伴随而来的是关税激增,市场混乱,以及全球
been made, but many more issues that need to 经济可能陷入衰退的危机。作为贸易战的“休战”,两
remain on the table for future agreements. Even 国于2020年1月签署了中美第一阶段经贸协议。但该
though economists routinely say that no one 协议几乎保留了所有的关税政策,美国对中国的压制
wins a trade war because costs rise on all sides, 自那时起就一直存在。
between 2018 and 2020, the US and China fought
the biggest trade war since the 1930s, hiking 在邓小平的领导下,中国于上世纪70年代末开始
tariffs, upending markets, and threatening to 了长达数十年的经济改革进程。中国放松了国家对经
plunge the global economy into recession. The 济的控制,允许私营企业发展。经过与美国和世界贸
two sides signed a Phase One trade agreement 易组织其他成员国的长期谈判,中国于2001年12月加
in January 2020, which acted as a kind of truce 入世贸组织;然而,早在2001年中国加入世界贸易组
in the trade war. But the deal left nearly all the 织之前,两国贸易就已悄然开展。1979年以来,美国与
tariffs in place, so American pressure on China 中国的贸易成指数增长,成为两国经济至关重要的部
has continued since then. 分。如今,中国已成为美国商品和服务的最大出口市场
China began a decades-long process of 边贸易帮助美国降低了消费品价格,提高了企业的利
economic reform in the late 1970s under the 润。中国目前是美国第三大出口市场,仅次于加拿大
leadership of Deng Xiaoping. His government 和墨西哥。美中贸易全国委员会(US-China Business
loosened state control over the economy and Council)2022年的一份报告显示,对华出口为美国提
allowed private industry to develop. After 供了100多万个就业岗位。
protracted negotiations with the United States
and other World Trade Organization members, 随着消费市场的不断扩大以及擅长接收新技术
China joined the WTO in December 2001; however, 的千禧一代的成长,中国的金融科技迎来了腾飞。中
trade between the two countries was growing
even before China joined the WTO in 2001. US
trade with China has grown exponentially since
1979 and has become crucial for both countries.
Today, China is one of the largest export markets