Page 44 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 44
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

cooperation carries special significance, Qin said. the United States at the Wilson Center. Yawei
"With the resurging pandemic, fragile global Liu, a senior adviser to China Focus at the Carter
recovery, faster climate change and growing Center, expressed some hope for better US-
regional conflicts, food security has again become China relations after the 20th National Congress.
a major practical issue facing China, the US and the He mentioned remarks made by State Councilor
rest of the world." Talking about what he has seen and Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the webinar, with
and heard in the US "golden corn belt," Qin said members of the National Committee on United
he has come to understand that US agriculture is States-China Relations, the National Committee on
going through a low-carbon and green transition, United States-China Trade and the US Chamber
where farmers apply advanced technologies and of Commerce at the time of the United Nations
methods for carbon capture and storage, and use General Assembly. Liu said that Wang talked about
quality feeds to reduce methane emission. China "five certainties" of the relationship, including
has set the targets of reaching a carbon peak China's commitment to strengthen economic and
before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060, trade cooperation and its willingness to coordinate
which will definitely create new opportunities multilaterally with the US. "He did criticize the US,
for China-US agricultural cooperation, he added. but he also said we have to get along. There is
China has made tremendous efforts to fully no other option other than for the United States
implement the phase-one trade deal in the past and China to peacefully coexist," said Liu. Liu said
two years. "Despite the pandemic, we have not that China still wants to repair this relationship, "I
used the force majeure clause, and have even think the impact of the Party Congress on the US-
adopted a market-based exclusion process for China relationship is going to be a very positive
the countermeasure tariffs on US soybeans, one. At least you know the determination to fix
grains, meat, aquatic products and fruits. This this relationship.” Rory Murphy, vice-president
fully shows our sincerity and goodwill," he said. of Government Affairs at the US-China Business
As China implemented the phase-one trade deal, Council, said that the US attitude and policy
US farmers have exported billions of dollars more toward China after the midterm elections is likely
in oilseeds and grains and over a billion dollars to remain tough, if not tougher. "Regardless of
more in meat products, which has improved the which party wins either chamber, there is no
well-being of farmers in America's heartland, said doubt going to be a continued focus on China.
Qin, citing the US Export Report 2022 recently The politics around being tough on China are
issued by the US-China Business Council. "As we just simply too tempting for lawmakers," said
face a complex and severe situation in agricultural Murphy. "If you look pre-2017, the number
development and food security worldwide, I firmly of bills and resolutions related to China was
believe that China and the United States, as major remarkably consistent, 200 to 250 per Congress.
agricultural producers, consumers and traders, Last Congress, 639 measures," he said. "This year,
should meet challenges together, maintain stable we're well over 700. That trend is not going to
development of agriculture, enhance the resilience stop. So, I think that there's going to be a focus
of agricultural supply chains, ensure food security on China no matter what." He noted that Senator
domestically, and promote cooperation for Patrick Toomey, a Pennsylvania Republican who
international food security," said the ambassador has been critical of former president Donald
(Xinhua, China-US Economic). Trump's tariffs on China, and Senator Rob
Portman, also a Pennsylvania Republican who
Hope for improved bilateral relations resonated has been a consistent and reasonable voice on
among many in international political circles in trade over the years would both retire. "When it
late 2022 as China approached the 20th National comes to the US-China bilateral relationship, the
Congress of the Communist Party of China and business community has a lot of priorities, but
the US looked toward the 2022 midterm elections. kind of regardless of the sector, regardless of the
"We really are facing an international environment company, high on that list is the need for more
with a degree of complexity and urgency that stability and more predictability," said Murphy.
we haven't seen before," said Robert Daly, the Denis Simon, a professor of China business and
director of the Kissinger Institute on China and technology and senior adviser to the president for

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