Page 36 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 36
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

“discussed the need to maintain open lines of August 5, 2022 – China cancels and suspends
communication and responsibly manage the U.S.-PRC several US-China talks and areas of cooperation,
relationship”. Wang Yi also warned that the US should sanctions Nancy Pelosi. The announcement
“stop hollowing out or distorting the one-China came shortly after a decision on the same day to
policy”, “stop interfering in China’s internal affairs or sanction Nancy Pelosi and her immediate family
undermine China’s legitimate interests”, remove the members, although no details on the nature of the
additional tariffs imposed on China, and “stop the sanctions have been revealed.
unilateral sanctions on Chinese businesses”.
August 2, 2022 – Speaker Pelosi arrives in
August 26, 2022 – US and China securities Taiwan prompting military drills. In a Washington
regulators reach agreement on auditing of US- Post op-ed that went live shortly after her plane
listed Chinese companies. The agreement marks landed, Pelosi wrote that “our congressional
the first step in allowing the PBAOC to audit delegation’s visit should be seen as an unequivocal
Chinese companies listed on US stock exchanges, statement that America stands with Taiwan” but
as required under the Holding Foreign Companies that it “in no way contradicts the long-standing
Accountable Act (HFCAA). one-China policy, guided by the Taiwan Relations
Act of 1979, the U.S.-China Joint Communiques
August 23, 2022 – the US adds another seven and the Six Assurances.”
China entities to its export control list. The US
Commerce Department, through its Bureau of July 28, 2022 – Biden and Xi hold two-hour call.
Industry and Security (BIS), issued a final rule Xi Jinping told Biden that “China and the US should
that added seven Chinese space, aerospace, and maintain communication on major issues such as
related technology entities to the Entity List and macroeconomic policy coordination, maintaining
severely restricted their access to commodities, the stability of global industrial and supply chains,
software, and technologies subject to the Export and safeguarding global energy and food security.”
Administration Regulation (EAR). With this The White House readout wrote that “The call
action, the Commerce Department will have was a part of the Biden Administration’s efforts
approximately 600 Chinese entities on the Entity to maintain and deepen lines of communication
List – more than 110 of which have been added between the United States and the PRC and
since the start of the Biden Administration. The responsibly manage our differences and work
seven entities newly added to the Entity List are: together where our interests align.”

• China Aerospace Science and Technology June 21, 2022 – US ban on Xinjiang imports
Corporation (CASC) 9th Academy 771 Research Institute; takes effect. The UFLPA bans the import of
products made in part or wholly in Xinjiang unless
• China Aerospace Science and Technology the US Customs and Border Protection agency
Corporation (CASC) 9th Academy 772 Research Institute; can certify that the products are not made with
forced labor. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang
• China Academy of Space Technology 502 Wenbin said that “Such acts of presumption of
Research Institute; guilt runs counter to the basic legal principle of
presumption of innocence.”
• China Academy of Space Technology 513
Research Institute; June 13, 2022 – US security advisor and top
Chinese diplomat meet in Luxembourg. US Security
• China Electronics Technology Group Advisor Jake Sullivan and top Chinese diplomat
Corporation 43 Research Institute; Yang Jiechi had a “candid, in-depth and constructive
communication and exchanges on China-US
• China Electronics Technology Group relations and other issues of common concern.”
Corporation 58 Research Institute; and
May 25, 2022 – Chinese and US climate
• Zhuhai Orbita Control Systems. envoys vow to cooperate on climate issues.

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