Page 318 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 318
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

2.16 Financial Sector

Key Take-Aways 2022. Economists expected growth between 2.8%
and 3.2% in 2022, one of the lowest levels since
• The nation has reduced the industries 1976, when former leader Mao Zedong’s death
covered by a negative list for foreign investment ended a decade of social and economic tumult.
for five consecutive years. The comments from China’s top leaders were a
strong signal that policymakers will be relaxing
• China will expand the Stock Connect their ironclad grip on the country’s private sector,
scheme that links the mainland and Hong Kong which had previously been a strong driver of
markets, a further step to boost cooperation consumption, investment, and job creation. Covid
between the two capital markets. controls and regulatory crackdowns hit China’s
job market hard, with youth unemployment rates
• US regulators have gained full access to soaring to record highs in 2022. Since late 2020,
the audits of Chinese companies for the first time, under Xi Jinping’s “common prosperity” drive, the
reducing the threat that Chinese tech giants could authorities have launched a regulatory onslaught
be kicked off US stock exchanges. on sectors ranging from e-commerce to real state
to education. The crackdown began in October of
Background that year, when regulators yanked the blockbuster
IPO of Jack Ma’s Ant Group, days after he gave
Beijing has vowed to go all out in 2023 to save its a controversial speech that criticized China’s
Covid-hit economy by boosting consumption and financial regulations for stifling innovation. Around
loosening control over private industry, including that time, Beijing moved to rein in the mountains
the struggling tech and property sectors. The new of debt accumulated by property developers. The
pledge marks a big shift from leader Xi Jinping’s crackdown on excessive borrowing led to a liquidity
years-long effort to rein in private businesses, crisis across the industry, resulting in some high-
which were perceived as too powerful and profile developers defaulting on their debt. The
“disorderly.” The world’s second biggest economy collapse in real estate, which accounts for as much
faces multiple challenges. Covid infections were as 30% of GDP, triggered widespread and rare
surging in China at the end of 2022 after leaders dissent among the middle class. In late December
unexpectedly eased its restrictive Covid policy. At 2022, two of the country’s top ruling bodies, the
the same time, its exports were hurt by a slump Central Committee of the Communist Party and
in global demand. Stabilizing economic growth is the State Council, issued a strategic plan to expand
the top priority for 2023, according to an official domestic demand and stimulate consumption
readout following the conclusion of the Central and investment until 2035. The Chinese Academy
Economic Work Conference (CEWC), a key annual of Social Sciences, a top government think tank,
meeting of top leaders. “We need to encourage and issued a report in December 2022 recommending
support the private sector economy and private the government set the growth goal at “above 5%”
enterprise in terms of policy and public opinion,” for 2023 (He, China Bets).
the statement said. “We must protect the property
rights of private enterprise and the interests of China's resolution to forge ahead with opening-
entrepreneurs in accordance with the law.” The up was repeatedly reaffirmed by Chinese
remarks came shortly after a slew of economic data President Xi Jinping in 2022. "No matter how
showed business activity plummeting in November the world will change, China's faith in and its
commitment to reform and opening-up will not

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