Page 98 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
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15,000m2 of warehousing and logistics center information consumption, airport-vicinity
and imported food testing laboratory. It provides industries, international trade services, financial
an open business environment to enhance the services, professional services and cruise economy
facilitation of port trade. The measures include, industries. It aims to build a regional international
providing rewards to import enterprises and trade center that focuses on Chinese mainland and
offering subsidy for renting in the mall, as well as is open to the Asia Pacific region.
supporting marketing campaign, such as online
shopping festival and live stream activities. The GDP of Xiamen in 2021 was RMB703.4
billion with 8.1% YoY growth, and the tertiary
Driven by policy support and excellent business industry contributed 59% of GDP. The total import
services, the development of cross-border and export reached to RMB887.5 billion with 27.7%
e-commerce in Fuzhou Jiangyin Port Free Trade growth, and FDI inflows registered RMB18.6 billion,
Zone has gained rapid momentum. The cargo up to 12.2%43.
throughput of Jiangyin port reached 338 million
tons, with an increase of 31.74% YoY in 2021, In October 2021, the Development and Reform
ranking third in the province42. Commission of Xiamen issued the Guidance
for the Industrial Spatial Distribution in Xiamen
Xiamen area of the China (Fujian) Pilot Free (2021 Edition)44 to facilitate the construction
Trade Zone of key industrial chains. The industrial spatial
distribution in Xiamen is classified into two parts
The Xiamen area covers a total area of 43.8km2, namely advanced manufacturing and modern
with a focus on building a demonstration area for service, covering nine leading industries and two
cross-strait emerging and modern service industry comprehensive parks, encompassing 60 functional
cooperation, a southeast international shipping areas with a total land scale of 309.8km2. In the
center, a cross-strait regional financial service government’s 14th Five-Year Plan45, we understand
center and a cross-strait trade center. The area the city will fully boost the development of “5+X”
includes two blocks that consist of: key sectors, foster the next generation information
technology industry as a backbone; focus on
- The core area of the cross-strait trade two emerging leading industries, which are the
center covers an area of 19.4km2, designed to: biomedicine and health industry and the new
(i) develop modern port-vicinity industries such material & new energy industry; strengthen two
as shipping logistics, import and export, bonded characteristic landmark industries, which are the
logistics, valued-added processing, service digital innovation and marine high-tech industry.
outsourcing and bulk commodities trade; (ii) build a The goal of Xiamen before 2025 is to achieve value-
highly efficient, convenient, green and low-carbon added of strategic emerging industries to RMB250
logistics network and a modern shipping service billion, accounting for 25% of GDP. The value-added
system with high-quality services and complete of high-tech industries is expected to account for
functions; and (iii) build itself into an important 45% of that of all industries.
international container hub port in the Asia-Pacific
region focusing on the west coast of the Taiwan Pingtan Area of the China (Fujian) Pilot Free
Strait, which serves Taiwan, Chinese mainland Trade Zone
and the rest of the world, and having the ability to
allocate global shipping resources. The Pingtan area of the China (Fujian) Pilot
Free Trade Zone covers 43km2 and is divided into
- The Haicang Port Area of the Southeast three blocks: (i) the Port Economic and Trade Zone
International Shipping Center covers 24.4km2.
It is designed to develop emerging industries 43 The government of Xiamen,
and high-end service industries, such as high- cn/tjzl/ndgb/202203/t20220322_2636525.htm
tech scientific research and development, 44 Xiamen development and reform commission,
42, t20211015_2591408.htm
722010068812055518&wfr=spider&for=pc 45 Government of Xiamen,

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