Page 96 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 96
Pingtan Area is designed to: (i) be developed into Fuzhou area of the China (Fujian) Pilot Free
a cross-strait common home and international Trade Zone
tourist island; and (ii) to provide more facilities for
the free and convenient exchange of investment, The Fuzhou area of China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade
trade, capital and personnel. The Xiamen Area Zone covers 31.3km2 and is divided into the Fuzhou
will be developed into a demonstration area for Economic and Technological Development Zone
cross-strait emerging and modern service industry (22km2) and the Fuzhou Bonded Port Area (9.3km2).
cooperation, a southeast international shipping
center, and a cross-strait regional financial The layout of the Fuzhou area’s “two sections
service and trade center. The Fuzhou Area will and seven blocks” consists of:
be developed into an advanced manufacturing
base, an important platform for exchange and - The Fuzhou Economic and Technological
cooperation among countries along the 21st Development Zone has a planned area of 22km2
Century Maritime Silk Road, and a demonstration divided into five blocks. Majiang Block (covering
area for cross-strait service trade and financial an area of 0.6km2 within the Fuzhou Bonded
innovation cooperation. Port Area) focuses on the development of trade
platforms for the 21st Century Maritime Silk
In 2021, 11,899 new enterprises, including Road, cultural creativity, commodity exhibitions
289 foreign-funded were founded in FJFTZ. The and transactions. Kuai’an Block focuses on the
actual utilization of foreign investment reached development of high-tech industries, industrial
US$0.4 billion38. finance and service trade (cross-border
e-commerce). Chang’an Block (covering an area of
In September 2021, Fujian also announced its 1.1km2 within the Fuzhou Export Processing Zone)
Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for focuses on the development of processing trade,
FJFTZ Development39. Focusing on the reform and bonded warehousing and cold chain logistics.
efficiency of international trade and investment Langqi Block focuses on the development of
development, it highlights some major tasks, tourism, education and training, health and
including building a higher-level open economy medical treatment. Nantai Island Block focuses on
pattern, creating high-quality industry system, the development of cross-strait financial services
exploring the opportunity to further cooperate innovation, professional exhibition services,
with Taiwan, taking deeper participation into commodity exhibitions and transactions.
the Belt and Road Initiative, and promoting the
modernization of governance system and capacity. - The Fuzhou Bonded Port area has a planned
Meanwhile, efforts will be made to innovate, area of 9.3km2 and is divided into two blocks. Xincuo
upgrade, open up and develop major industrial Block focuses on the development of advanced
chains and supply chains through accumulating manufacturing industries (highlighting bonded
high-quality elements and high-end resources. automobile maintenance and refit, aircraft research
Ultimately, FJFTZ will be built into a key business and development, manufacturing, operation and
hub with strong attraction, innovation capacity, maintenance), and finance leases. Jiangyin Block
influence and competitiveness, embracing focuses on the development of international
even more international economic cooperation shipping and logistics, vehicle and spare parts
and fostering new competitive advantages. import and export, bonded warehousing, and
It’s expected that eight platforms worth over bonded exhibitions and transactions.
ten billion yuan and two hundred-billion-yuan
platforms with quite strong domestic influence In early 2021, the government of Fuzhou
will be built before 202540. issued several measures to further promote
the development of the Sea Silk Mall41, which
38 FJFTZ, is composed of 20,000m2 of exhibition center,
39 FJFTZ, 41 Administration of Fuzhou Area of China (Fu-
index/aid/17520.html jian) Pilot Free Trade Zone,
40 FJFTZ, zz/zwgk/fzgh/202105/t20210514_4099146.htm

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