Page 100 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
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(16km2); (ii) the High-tech Industrial Zone (15km2); By 2025, the construction of Pingtan international
and (iii) the Tourism and Business Zone (12km2). tourism island will be basically completed. Pingtan
The Pingtan Area focuses on constructing a cross- is expected to become an internationally renowned
strait common home and international tourist resort and a forefront of the Belt and Road
island and providing facilities for the free and Initiative with improved international influence
convenient exchange of investment, trade, capital and competitiveness. The annual tourists will
and personnel. Functional positioning: reach 10 million with total revenue of tourism to
RMB15 billion, and the proportion of value-added
- The Port Economic and Trade Zone was set of tourism will account 14% of GDP.
up to: (i) accelerate the construction of industrial
functional platforms such as port logistics, business Summary
service and electronic industry clusters; and (ii)
focus on the development of international trade, Fujian province promotes economic growth
modern logistics, business services, electronic through demand and supply-side reforms,
information equipment manufacturing, etc. improving the quality of economic development,
reducing corporate taxes, fees, production and
- The High-tech Industrial Zone was set up operating costs, and creating a more convenient
to: (i) explore cross-strait cooperation in building and fair business environment. It focuses on
high-tech industrial bases by accelerating the supporting the development of the financial
construction of industrial functional platforms such industry, lending foreign exchange registration
as R&D headquarters, marine industry and high- management, introducing Taiwanese and foreign
end light manufacturing clusters; (ii) give full play to investment, promoting foreign investment and
policy advantages regarding place of origin; and (iii) trade facilitation, and improving the level of
focus on the development of marine life, medical opening-up. Fujian Province will build a cross-
devices, packaging materials and light equipment strait integration demonstration zone, strengthen
manufacturing and other high-tech industries. economic, technological and talent cooperation
with Taiwan, and create opportunities for cross-
- The Tourism and Business Zone was set strait integration.
up to: (i) focus on connecting Taiwan tourism and
tourist services; and (ii) accelerate the construction
of industrial functional platforms such as coastal
tourist, cross-strait tourism, and agricultural and
fishing product processing clusters.

In 2021, the GDP of Pingtan reached RMB33.9
billion with 5.8% YoY growth, and the tertiary
industry contributed 64% of GDP. The total import
and export of the Pingtan FTZ registered RMB19.6
billion with 46.7% growth46.

In February 2022, the government of Pingtan
issues its high-quality development plan for
tourism, which indicates during the 14th Five-Year
Plan, Pingtan will emphasize on constructing an
international tourism island. By 2023, focusing on
enhancing the integration of tourism and culture,
Pingtan will provide international level of tourism
products and services for over 8 million tourists
and achieve tourism revenue of over RMB10 billion.

46 The government of Pingtan, https://www.

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