Page 94 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 94
- Actual utilization of foreign investment I. General requirements
accumulated to RMB190 billion (US$29.2 billion)
Development emphasizes the thought of
- Outbound direct investment to total socialism with Chinese characteristics in Xi Jinping’s
US$16.2 billion in five years new era as a guide, adheres to the concept of new
development, actively integrates with domestic
Major tasks: large cycles as the main body and bi-circulating
mutual promotion of domestic and international
- To serve and integrate into the new new development patterns. Ensuring the industrial
development pattern foundation is advanced and the industrial chain is
modernized. It will modernize the industrial and
- To promote the expansion and upgrading supply chains, accelerate the development of a
of domestic trade circulation strong province with advanced manufacturing, and
create new advantages for future development.
- To promote innovation and development The main development goal for standardization
of foreign trade construction and industrial development is set
in 2022. Clarifying that the developmental goal
- To improve the quality and efficiency of for the textile shoes clothing industry, machinery
foreign investment and equipment industry, electronic information
manufacturing industry, petrochemical industry,
- To operate the Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone well food industry, metallurgical industry, building
materials industry and strategic emerging
- To improve the level of outbound industries and the digital economy in 2022. Strive
investment and cooperation to cultivate four industries with scale of over RMB1
trillion in 2025.
- To deepen economic and trade cooperation
among Fujian, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau II. Specific actions

- To improve the quality and efficiency of The government will focus on promoting 10
port customs clearance special actions, identifying responsible units and
key tasks. The 10 special actions include: leading
The Three-year Action Plan of Fujian Prov- brand special actions; planning and promoting
ince (2020-2022) on implementing the Stan- special actions; intensive development initiatives;
dardized Construction of Industrial Parks special action for the integration of industry
and Promoting the High-quality Develop- and education; special action on scientific and
ment of Manufacturing Industry technological innovation; special actions to support
financing; special operations for supporting
On 20 September 2020, the General Office of facilities; special actions on new infrastructure
the Fujian Provincial People's Government issued projects; special action on mechanism innovation;
the Three-year Action Plan of Fujian Province and special action to develop standards.
(2020-2022) on implementing the Standardized
Construction of Industrial Parks and Promoting the Special economic zones
High-quality Development of the Manufacturing
Industry. The government will vigorously implement China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone
the standardized construction of industrial parks,
comprehensively improve the development level The China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone (FJFTZ)
of industrial parks in the province, strengthen, was officially established on 31 December 2014,
optimize and expand industries, accelerate the and the opening ceremony was held in Fuzhou
optimization and upgrading of industrial structures, on 21 April 2015. It covers 118.1km2, including the
and provide strong support for all-round promotion Pingtan Area, Xiamen Area and Fuzhou Area. The
of high-quality development.

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