Page 42 - 2022 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 42
2 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

1.2 The On-going China-US Trade Conflict

Former US president Jimmy decades, the leaders of both countries made
Carter believes that peace their priority: "Most important in my
"leaders in Washington and Beijing share one opinion has been four decades of peace in East
common goal: to create peaceful and stable Asia and the Pacific. During the previous four
conditions for their people to pursue happiness". decades, both the US and China suffered during
Carter acknowledged that the current numerous violent conflicts in the region. Since
relationship was at its lowest point in years: "In then, our nations and the entire region have
January 2019, The Carter Center held a three-day benefited from this peace." In Carter's view, the
meeting to commemorate the 40th anniversary US has benefitted from the engagement. "Trade
of the normalization of US-China relations. Our and investment with China have advanced our
being the only US-based organization to do this is economy," he said. "New jobs were created.
a stark indication of how the bilateral landscape Tourism has flourished. Chinese merchandise
has changed in recent years." Carter said that the has made ordinary Americans' lives better. Our
global trade relationship between the two largest universities and colleges welcomed thousands of
economies is one of the most important in the Chinese students and scholars. Our institutions
world despite some fundamental differences. have gained from the talent of Chinese
"Since Deng Xiaoping and I made the joint researchers, and their American experience has
decision to normalize relations in 1979, both influenced modern China." Carter said that he
countries have reaped countless benefits. Even is hopeful about the vital relationship. "While
in a competitive economic environment, there is the official diplomatic relationship between our
room for mutual growth and cooperation. Our countries is just four decades old, we have had
societies are entwined, and our governments positive interactions for centuries," he said. "I
need to protect this important societal and am hopeful about the prospects for building our
economic connection," Carter said. The Chinese futures together. I am confident that both the
and US governments should address issues American and Chinese people desire peace and
such as intellectual property rights, technology prosperity… I hope stability and vitality will be
transfer, state subsidies, and non-tariff barriers, restored to the relationship Deng Xiaoping and I
but weaponizing trade issues will hurt citizens established" (Zhou, Jimmy Carter).
of both countries, he said. "I'm a farmer, and I
know China imports vast quantities of American During the Gerald Ford administration (1974
agricultural products. The current trade war to 1977), the future president George H. W. Bush
has prevented American exports from reaching accepted the appointment of Chief of the US
Chinese markets," Carter said. Carter pointed out Liaison Office in the People's Republic of China,
that some global challenges require cooperation. making him the de facto ambassador to China.
"Global warming, nuclear proliferation, According to biographer Jon Meacham, Bush's
international terrorism, and various regional time in China convinced him that American
conflicts could best be resolved with leadership engagement abroad was needed to ensure global
and participation from Washington and Beijing," stability, and that the United States "needed
he said. He also said that the two countries to be visible but not pushy, muscular but not
should and must design and implement a domineering" (Meacham, 181). His son George W.
joint strategy to vaccinate more than 1 billion Bush agreed. He claimed on the campaign trail
people in Africa. Carter said that in the last four in 2000 that the US must see China clearly, not

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