Page 216 - 2022 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 216
2 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
receiving unprecedented levels of funding by the Apple orchards, for example, could be individually
Chinese government. One exciting development is inspected by a robot that takes a model of the tree
swarm robotics. The concept of using thousands and its personal growth history, and combines
of tiny robots to carry out micromanaged tasks this knowledge to both calculate and achieve the
on a macro scale has been of interest to military maximum optimum number of apples produced
researchers around the world. However, their on each tree (He).
potential to manage large expanses of crops,
watering or harvesting for instance, could be a Robotics
huge help to farmers working around the clock
to feed China's 1.4 billion-strong population. China robotics market will continue to grow fast
Throughout the last century, large machinery has due to mega trends like rising consumer demand
dominated the landscapes of crop fields around for customized products, shortages of qualified
the world. Giant mechanical dinosaurs weighing labor and the need to become more resilient,
several tons spreading fertilizer, plowing fields uncertainty in demand, driven by COVID-19 and
or harvesting yields on a macro scale may soon, other factors. According to the data from the 2020
however, be a thing of the past, replaced by World Robotics Report released by the International
tiny semi-autonomous robotic works swarming Federation of Robotics, China's manufacturing
in their hundreds, or even thousands. Swarm industry ranked 15th in the world in terms of robot
robotics could provide an unprecedented level density in 2019, with 187 robots per 10,000 workers
of detail for China's farms of the future, spraying (or a density of 187), showing great potential for
individual plants and analyzing every tiny detail further development (Zhong, China’s Green).
of the expansive farming landscape. Although
the technology is still in its infancy, many early China’s robotics industry is enjoying rapid
examples resemble small remote-control toys or development driven by incentive policies and
drones, with the former more likely to be adopted strong market demand. The country’s spending on
as drone regulations in China and abroad become robotics hit US$59.4 billion in 2020, and its robot
increasingly strict. Swarm intelligence relies market accounted for more than 30% of the global
upon remote communication, which enjoys low robot market. Service robots have been introduced
latency. This is where China could become a world to provide no-contact services in hospitals,
leader. China already boasts one of the world's restaurants, airports and other scenarios in China
most extensive 5G infrastructures, meaning since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic,
that farmers will be able to connect their fleet of boosting the development of the country’s robotics
outdoor robots with ease. Machine-to-machine industry. The industrial robot sector is also seeing
communication, cloud platforms and all the excellent growth opportunities in China. China
calculations that require navigating situational has developed all the industrial categories, which
awareness in dynamic agricultural settings will means promising prospects for industrial robots,
be well-suited to modern Chinese methodology. while the accelerated development of new energy
With China fast becoming the global model for 5G vehicles and 5G smartphones will continue to
integration, other countries could follow suit as prop up recovery of market demand for industrial
the technology becomes widespread and enjoys robots. Robots are changing the production
economies of scale. The current eye-watering cost process in various industries and transforming
of swarm robotics may drop in the near future, the traditional manufacturing industry. The use of
making it an affordable option for farmers around robots has also expanded from the manufacturing
the world. The perks that this would offer farmers and service sectors to many other areas. However,
could revolutionize the industry, giving them China’s robotics industry also faces challenges in
control over impossibly minute details of their terms of technological innovation, training of high-
operating area. It may be possible, for example, end talents and other aspects, which should be
to spray pesticides specifically on certain crops addressed through the joint efforts of the entire
and avoid environmental damage to surrounding industry chain (PD).
naturally-occurring plants and animals. Insights
into improving yields may also reach the next level.
receiving unprecedented levels of funding by the Apple orchards, for example, could be individually
Chinese government. One exciting development is inspected by a robot that takes a model of the tree
swarm robotics. The concept of using thousands and its personal growth history, and combines
of tiny robots to carry out micromanaged tasks this knowledge to both calculate and achieve the
on a macro scale has been of interest to military maximum optimum number of apples produced
researchers around the world. However, their on each tree (He).
potential to manage large expanses of crops,
watering or harvesting for instance, could be a Robotics
huge help to farmers working around the clock
to feed China's 1.4 billion-strong population. China robotics market will continue to grow fast
Throughout the last century, large machinery has due to mega trends like rising consumer demand
dominated the landscapes of crop fields around for customized products, shortages of qualified
the world. Giant mechanical dinosaurs weighing labor and the need to become more resilient,
several tons spreading fertilizer, plowing fields uncertainty in demand, driven by COVID-19 and
or harvesting yields on a macro scale may soon, other factors. According to the data from the 2020
however, be a thing of the past, replaced by World Robotics Report released by the International
tiny semi-autonomous robotic works swarming Federation of Robotics, China's manufacturing
in their hundreds, or even thousands. Swarm industry ranked 15th in the world in terms of robot
robotics could provide an unprecedented level density in 2019, with 187 robots per 10,000 workers
of detail for China's farms of the future, spraying (or a density of 187), showing great potential for
individual plants and analyzing every tiny detail further development (Zhong, China’s Green).
of the expansive farming landscape. Although
the technology is still in its infancy, many early China’s robotics industry is enjoying rapid
examples resemble small remote-control toys or development driven by incentive policies and
drones, with the former more likely to be adopted strong market demand. The country’s spending on
as drone regulations in China and abroad become robotics hit US$59.4 billion in 2020, and its robot
increasingly strict. Swarm intelligence relies market accounted for more than 30% of the global
upon remote communication, which enjoys low robot market. Service robots have been introduced
latency. This is where China could become a world to provide no-contact services in hospitals,
leader. China already boasts one of the world's restaurants, airports and other scenarios in China
most extensive 5G infrastructures, meaning since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic,
that farmers will be able to connect their fleet of boosting the development of the country’s robotics
outdoor robots with ease. Machine-to-machine industry. The industrial robot sector is also seeing
communication, cloud platforms and all the excellent growth opportunities in China. China
calculations that require navigating situational has developed all the industrial categories, which
awareness in dynamic agricultural settings will means promising prospects for industrial robots,
be well-suited to modern Chinese methodology. while the accelerated development of new energy
With China fast becoming the global model for 5G vehicles and 5G smartphones will continue to
integration, other countries could follow suit as prop up recovery of market demand for industrial
the technology becomes widespread and enjoys robots. Robots are changing the production
economies of scale. The current eye-watering cost process in various industries and transforming
of swarm robotics may drop in the near future, the traditional manufacturing industry. The use of
making it an affordable option for farmers around robots has also expanded from the manufacturing
the world. The perks that this would offer farmers and service sectors to many other areas. However,
could revolutionize the industry, giving them China’s robotics industry also faces challenges in
control over impossibly minute details of their terms of technological innovation, training of high-
operating area. It may be possible, for example, end talents and other aspects, which should be
to spray pesticides specifically on certain crops addressed through the joint efforts of the entire
and avoid environmental damage to surrounding industry chain (PD).
naturally-occurring plants and animals. Insights
into improving yields may also reach the next level.