Page 170 - 2022 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 170
2 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
villages were eliminated. In addition, rural basic especially important to note since China is entering
public services in Beijing were significantly the modern phase of agriculture when higher
improved, with the basic pension, welfare pension production efficiency would be required—and
and minimum living standards of urban and seeds could contribute to more than 60% of the
rural residents increased by 70.2%, 85.7%, and total farming output. Since increasing numbers of
54.9%, respectively, compared with 2015. Beijing workers are migrating from villages to cities, thanks
will make efforts to advance the construction of to rapid urbanization, there is an urgent need to
a modern agricultural management system to fully mechanize agriculture. Using machines to sow
cultivate 200 demonstration family farms, 20 family and harvest crops is becoming increasingly popular
farm demonstration towns, and three family farm in China. Yet, due to poor seed quality, farmers in
demonstration areas. During the 14th Five-Year general tend to sow more seeds than the soil can
Plan period (2021-25), the capital city will establish germinate, and because of the relatively low rate
five national modern agricultural industrial parks, of germination, they spend a lot of time in weeding
upgrade seven national agricultural science and out the excess, poorly developed sprouts later. If
technology parks and build about 100 agricultural the farmers have access to high-quality seeds, they
science and technology demonstration bases (Xin). will not be forced to spend precious time weeding
out the stunted sprouts and, instead, can do odd
Efforts will be injected to improve financial jobs to increase their incomes. Moreover, quality
services for new types of agricultural business seeds can increase the yield. And by spending less
entities by Chinese financial and agricultural time in sowing and yet harvesting higher yields, the
authorities amid the country's push for farmers will be more inclined to continue farming
rural vitalization, and agricultural and rural instead of transferring their land-use rights and
modernization. The rural inclusive financial reform migrating to cities in search of better-paying jobs.
experiments will be expanded, while pilot zones But since the seeds widely available in China are
for financial service supporting rural vitalization not of high quality, the Ministry of Agriculture
will be built. New types of rural business entities and Rural Affairs introduced new standards from
such as family farms and farmers' cooperatives November 2021 for corn cultivation to raise its
have gradually become a vital force in ensuring germination percentage through single sowing
farmers' income growth, the supply of agricultural from 85% to 93%. Unlike intensive farming, over-
products and the transformation and upgrading seeding or sowing of excess seeds is a common
of the agricultural sector. To expand and diversify practice in the country, which causes a huge
financial channels, social capital will be backed to wastage of foods. What complicates the matter
promote the development of new types of rural is that high-yielding and high-intensity crops are
business entities through capital injection, buying in more vulnerable to pests and diseases. Also,
stock, as well as talent and technical support on the despite having to pay the same amount of money,
premise of compliance with laws and regulations. farmers following conventional modes of farming
Meanwhile, PBOC and other related government tend to purchase inferior seeds in larger quantities
departments will allow qualified agriculture-related rather than high-quality seeds in lower quantity
enterprises to list and raise funds on such as the that will give higher yields, which partly explains
STAR market, or the sci-tech innovation board of why it has been difficult to expand the planting
the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the National area of hybrid rice in recent years. And compared
Equities Exchange and Quotations, known as the with cultivating food grains, it is much more
"new third board" (CGTN, Improve Financial). challenging to grow vegetables and raise livestock
such as purebred cows, horses and pigs. China still
Seed Industry needs to import a large number of vegetable seeds
and livestock for reproduction. Further, there is
Seeds are fundamental to agriculture and still a big gap between China and many advanced
the most crucial elements in the livelihoods countries in terms of seed production technology.
of agricultural communities, and therefore For instance, agricultural authorities in advanced
strategically important to food security. This is countries use X-ray machines to test seed embryos
to ensure they will fully germinate before sowing
villages were eliminated. In addition, rural basic especially important to note since China is entering
public services in Beijing were significantly the modern phase of agriculture when higher
improved, with the basic pension, welfare pension production efficiency would be required—and
and minimum living standards of urban and seeds could contribute to more than 60% of the
rural residents increased by 70.2%, 85.7%, and total farming output. Since increasing numbers of
54.9%, respectively, compared with 2015. Beijing workers are migrating from villages to cities, thanks
will make efforts to advance the construction of to rapid urbanization, there is an urgent need to
a modern agricultural management system to fully mechanize agriculture. Using machines to sow
cultivate 200 demonstration family farms, 20 family and harvest crops is becoming increasingly popular
farm demonstration towns, and three family farm in China. Yet, due to poor seed quality, farmers in
demonstration areas. During the 14th Five-Year general tend to sow more seeds than the soil can
Plan period (2021-25), the capital city will establish germinate, and because of the relatively low rate
five national modern agricultural industrial parks, of germination, they spend a lot of time in weeding
upgrade seven national agricultural science and out the excess, poorly developed sprouts later. If
technology parks and build about 100 agricultural the farmers have access to high-quality seeds, they
science and technology demonstration bases (Xin). will not be forced to spend precious time weeding
out the stunted sprouts and, instead, can do odd
Efforts will be injected to improve financial jobs to increase their incomes. Moreover, quality
services for new types of agricultural business seeds can increase the yield. And by spending less
entities by Chinese financial and agricultural time in sowing and yet harvesting higher yields, the
authorities amid the country's push for farmers will be more inclined to continue farming
rural vitalization, and agricultural and rural instead of transferring their land-use rights and
modernization. The rural inclusive financial reform migrating to cities in search of better-paying jobs.
experiments will be expanded, while pilot zones But since the seeds widely available in China are
for financial service supporting rural vitalization not of high quality, the Ministry of Agriculture
will be built. New types of rural business entities and Rural Affairs introduced new standards from
such as family farms and farmers' cooperatives November 2021 for corn cultivation to raise its
have gradually become a vital force in ensuring germination percentage through single sowing
farmers' income growth, the supply of agricultural from 85% to 93%. Unlike intensive farming, over-
products and the transformation and upgrading seeding or sowing of excess seeds is a common
of the agricultural sector. To expand and diversify practice in the country, which causes a huge
financial channels, social capital will be backed to wastage of foods. What complicates the matter
promote the development of new types of rural is that high-yielding and high-intensity crops are
business entities through capital injection, buying in more vulnerable to pests and diseases. Also,
stock, as well as talent and technical support on the despite having to pay the same amount of money,
premise of compliance with laws and regulations. farmers following conventional modes of farming
Meanwhile, PBOC and other related government tend to purchase inferior seeds in larger quantities
departments will allow qualified agriculture-related rather than high-quality seeds in lower quantity
enterprises to list and raise funds on such as the that will give higher yields, which partly explains
STAR market, or the sci-tech innovation board of why it has been difficult to expand the planting
the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the National area of hybrid rice in recent years. And compared
Equities Exchange and Quotations, known as the with cultivating food grains, it is much more
"new third board" (CGTN, Improve Financial). challenging to grow vegetables and raise livestock
such as purebred cows, horses and pigs. China still
Seed Industry needs to import a large number of vegetable seeds
and livestock for reproduction. Further, there is
Seeds are fundamental to agriculture and still a big gap between China and many advanced
the most crucial elements in the livelihoods countries in terms of seed production technology.
of agricultural communities, and therefore For instance, agricultural authorities in advanced
strategically important to food security. This is countries use X-ray machines to test seed embryos
to ensure they will fully germinate before sowing