Page 43 - 2022 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 43
ure 39 Comparison of Companies’ Budgeted Reinvestment in China (2019-2022)
图表 39 在华预算再投资情况对比(2019-2022)

To accommodate the fluctuating sample 为了降低受访企业数量变化对调查结果的影
sizes, for the past few years we have 响,我们今年采用以100家企业为基数,
reported reinvestment figures normalized to 100 对其进行同期的再投资预算对比,数据的计算方法是
companies as a primary year on year comparison. 每一个类别的中间值乘以该类别在所有受访企业所
The figure is calculated as the products of the 占的比例,而投资额的最高项(达到或超过2.5亿美
mean of each category range and the percentage 元)则取最小值2.5亿美元。
of total respondents indicating that category,
except in the case of the largest (US$250 million 根据2022年在华利润再投资预算额可以看出企
or more) category, for which the minimum value 业对2022年依然充满信心。2022年及接下来三到五
is used. 年企业在华再投资将显著增长45%,投资额预计达到
Business confidence for 2022 remains high
among budgeted reinvestment from profits.
Noticeably, the reinvestment in China in 2022
and the next three to five years is expected to
increase dramatically by approximately 45%
and it is estimated to amount to US$26.5 billion
among all AmCham South China members.

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