Page 42 - 2022 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 42
Acertain degree of uncertainty and concern 一定程度的不确定性和担忧将在整个2022
will persist throughout 2022 and beyond. 年及以后持续存在。中国经济增长放
China’s economic growth slows down, but 缓,但企业再投资意愿依然强劲。72%的企业表示
reinvestment intention remains strong. 72% of the 2022年将继续进行在华再投资,相较去年增长了
respondents claim that they will reinvest in China in 3%。76%的美资企业在2022年有再投资计划。投
2022, a 3% increase compared to last year’s data. 资额超过2.5亿美元的企业比例为10%,相较去年增
76% of the American companies have reinvestment 长了5%。62%的受访企业2022年在华再投资预算
plans for 2022. The proportion of companies that 将集中在较低额度(即1000万美元以下)。中资企
will reinvest more than US$250 million is 10%, a 业(69%)和美资企业(60%)2022年在华再投资
5% increase compared to last year. 62% of the 预算额主要集中在1000万美元以下。而40%的美资
companies plan to reinvest with a low quota (below 企业将有超过1000万美元的再投资计划,同比去年
US$10 million). 69% of the Chinese companies and 的24%上涨了16%。
60% of the American companies will reinvest below
US$10 million. 40% of the American companies
may reinvest more than US$10 million, a 16%
increase compared to last year’s 24%.

Figure 38 Plan for Reinvesting in China in 2022 (by Origins of Companies)
图表 38 2022年在华再投资计划(按照国家来源划分)

   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47