Page 9 - 2021 Guangzhou Special Report
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this report, conducted a separate and comprehensive 席。这两份研究结果均为数千家媒体报道,这些媒体
analysis of the study to determine the reasons for 在华拥有7亿受众,在世界各地还有1.86亿受众。这两
companies’ preference for this vibrant city. 份出版物都受到了极大的关注。根据《2021年特别报
On February 26, AmCham South China released its two 第一个恢复增长的主要经济体,中国成功地渡过了新
major annual publications, the 649-page bilingual 2021 White 冠疫情带来的极度困难,而且大多数受访企业对中国
Paper on the Business Environment in China and the 148-page 市场持乐观的态度。
bilingual 2021 Special Report on the State of Business in South
China. This year’s release was attended by over 400 interested 广州,被誉为中国通往世界的南大门,是一个国
parties including government officials, business executives 际商业大都市和综合交通枢纽。它位于亚太地区的几
and members of media. Over fifty foreign consulates were 何中心,毗邻南海、港澳。它也是粤港澳大湾区的核
represented – the majority of them by their consuls general. 心城市之一和一带一路的中心。广州作为一个经济强
The results of the two studies were covered by over several 市,离不开它的开放、发展和创新。许多华南美国商会
thousand media outlets with an audience reach of 700 million 的会员企业已经并将继续在广州进行再投资。总的来
in China and an additional 186 million around the world. Both 说,广州为何会被受访企业评为最佳投资地是一个值
publications received considerable attention. According to 得探讨的问题。而华南美国商会作为美资企业在华发
the results of our 2021 Special Report, opportunities continue 展的纽带,华南美国商会《2021年广州经济情况特别
to outweigh challenges. The studies also showed, that China, 报告》,将为您全面呈现企业在穗营商情况。
as the first major economy to begin recovery, successfully
navigated the extreme hardship brought by the COVID-19 根据《2021年华南地区经济情况特别报告》,绝
and that most of the companies studied see a bright future 大部分受访企业已实现在华盈利。78%的受访企业表
in China’s market. 示其在华总体投资回报率为正值。尽管由于新冠肺炎
Guangzhou, China's southern gateway, is an 能,但大部分企业对广州市场的增长仍保持乐观的态
international business metropolis and an integrated 度。95%以上的受访企业会选择广州作为投资目的地
transportation hub. It is located in the geometric 之一,而57%的受访企业依然认为广州是其全球投资
center of the Asia-Pacific area, adjacent to the South 计划中的首位。43%的企业相较于2019年增加了在
China Sea, Hong Kong and Macao. It is also one of 穗实际再投资,而在新冠疫情以及其他因素的影响下
the core cities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao 仅20%的企业减少了投资。政策利好是企业留在广州
Greater Bay Area and the hub of the Belt and Road. As 再投资的重要原因。约七成受访企业表示在未来三年
an economic powerhouse, Guangzhou is inextricably 将在广州有扩展业务或经营的计划。近八成受访企业
linked to the qualities of openness, development, and 认为广州营商环境“很好”或“好”。
innovation. Many of AmCham South China members
have invested and continue to re-invest in Guangzhou. 2021年是具有里程碑意义的一年——这是十四
In general, it is worthwhile to probe into the reasons 五规划和中国共产党成立一百周年的起点。2021年4
why Guangzhou is the number one reinvestment 月,中国国务院副总理韩正在广州视察时呼吁,要坚
destination for them. And AmCham South China, the 定不移地深化改革开放,推进高质量发展。市场观察
heartbeat of American business in China, will provide 人士应该预料到政策问题将不断被提上议程,以实现
you with a relatively comprehensive picture of doing 与时俱进的长期目标。有鉴于此,我对广州的营商环
business in Guangzhou by virtue of this 2021 Special 境持续充满信心,因为广州拥有完善的基础设施、充
Report on the State of Business in Guangzhou. 足的政策支持和便捷的政务服务。广州市政府持续深
According to this 2021 Special Report on the State of 在穗会员企业受益。我坚信,广州正在打造一个以市
Business in Guangzhou, a majority of studied companies 场为导向、以法律为基础的国际化商业环境,并持续
report to have already made profits in Guangzhou. 78% 提高贸易和投资便利化水平,以吸引更多的投资。
stated their overall return on investment were positive.
Despite the fact that global economy remains subject to 从许多方面来看,2020年是令人失望的一年,这
uncertainties and setbacks owing to COVID-19, most of 一年将被长久铭记。然而,我们互帮互助,共渡难关。
the companies take a sanguine view of business outlook
in Guangzhou. More than 95% of studied companies select
Guangzhou as one of the investment destinations while
57% of the respondents consider Guangzhou as the top spot
in their global investment plan. Compared with 2019, 43%
of companies report that they increased their reinvestment
in Guangzhou in 2020 while only 20% decreased their
investment under the influence of COVID-19 and other
factors. Preferential policies is an important reason for
keeping their reinvestment in Guangzhou. About 70% of
the companies have expansion plans in Guangzhou in
the next three years. 80% of studied companies rate the
business environment in Guangzhou as very good or good.

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