Page 8 - 2021 Guangzhou Special Report
P. 8
sident’s Message 会长致辞

Dear Members, 尊敬的会员:

The American Chamber 华南美国商会(下简称“美商会”)由设在华盛顿
of Commerce in South China 特区的美国全国商会认可,于1995年成立。华南美国
(AmCham South China) was 商会是一个独立的商业机构,由会员选举出的理事
accredited by the US Chamber of 会进行机构管理。华南美国商会直接向华盛顿特区
Commerce in Washington, D.C., in 1995. AmCham South 的美国全国商会进行汇报,且不隶属于中国境内的
China is an independent business association. AmCham 任何机构。华南美国商会代表旗下的2300多家企业
South China is governed by a Board of Governors elected 及个人会员,占美中贸易与投资总额的近40%。华南
from among its members. It does not report to any other 美国商会涵盖广东、海南、福建和广西壮族自治区。
chamber in China and has no parent organization in China. 广州是其国际总部和会议中心。华南美国商会在深
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China 圳、厦门、福州、顺德均设有办事处。
represents over 2,300 members with investments in China
which account for nearly 40% of all US-China business, trade 自从我们的商会于1995年在广州成立以来,美
and investments. It focuses on provinces of Guangdong, 商会已经成功举办了数百次促进贸易的活动,在华
Hainan and Fujian and the Guangxi Autonomous Region. 南地区促成了数千亿美元的投资和数千个可持续发
The national headquarters and conference center of 展的项目。美商会一直以来贯彻执行环境可持续发展
AmCham South China are based in Guangzhou City, 的项目,并履行着最高水平的企业社会责任。多年来,
Guangdong Province. AmCham South China operates 我们的商会与广州市外办,广州民政部门和广州妇女
offices in Shenzhen, Xiamen, Fuzhou and Shunde. 儿童医疗中心合作,为筹集慈善资金和实物捐助而努
Since our Chamber’s establishment in Guangzhou in 援手术费用。在过去的十年中,我们已经筹集了超过
1995, our Chamber has held hundreds of investment 5,172,000元人民币的资金,并挽救了221名孤儿的生
promotion events resulting in several hundred billion 命。我们还筹集了价值12,945,811元人民币的物资,
US dollars in investments and several thousand 再加上我们的投资,已帮助四条贫困村庄和数万贫困
sustainable projects in South China. Our Chamber has 村民脱贫。这些慈善项目都取得了巨大的成功。我始
always delivered environmentally sustainable projects 终相信,慈善事业会为明天带来希望,而我们能做的
and has exercised the highest level of corporate 远不止这些。在这里我还需要指出的是,所有善款都
social responsibility. For many years, our Chamber, in 直接捐赠给予中国青年基金会,商会从未处理操作。
partnership with the Guangzhou FAO, Guangzhou Civil
Affairs Office, and the Guangzhou Women and Children’s 根据我们的年度报告《2021年华南地区经济情
Medical Center has worked hard to raise charitable funds 况特别报告》,广州连续四年被评为中国最热门的投
and in-kind donations. The cash raised has been used 资城市。因此,在《2021年广州经济情况特别报告》
to pay for immediate lifesaving surgeries for poor and 中,我们对广州经济情况进行单独且全面的分析,以
orphaned children. In the past ten years we have raised 探讨企业偏好于这座充满活力的城市的原因。
over 5,172,000 RMB in cash that literally saved the lives
of 226 orphaned children who otherwise would not be 2月26日,华南美国商会举办其《2021年中国营
alive today. We have also raised 12,945,811 RMB in in- 商环境白皮书》及《2021年华南地区经济情况特别报
kind donations which, together with investments we 告》发布会。超过400人参与本次发布会,其中包括政
have introduced, have helped raise four impoverished 府官员、企业高管和会员媒体。50余家驻穗领馆也参
villages and tens of thousands of poor villagers above 与此次发布会,其中大部分由各自的总领事代表出
the poverty line. Our philanthropic program has been
wildly successful. I always believe that charity brings
hope for tomorrow and we can always do more. I need to
point out that all of the money which was donated was
given directly to the China Youth Foundation and never
touched by our Chamber.

For the fourth consecutive year, our annual study, the
2021 Special Report on the State of Business in South
China shows Guangzhou ranked as the top preferred
destination for investments in China. We have therefore,

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