Page 13 - 2021 Guangzhou Special Report
P. 13
·Compared with 2019, 43% of companies report ·43%的企业相较于2019年增加了在穗实际再投资,
an increase in reinvestment in Guangzhou in 2020 while 而在新冠疫情以及其他因素的影响的下仅20%的企业减
merely 20% report a decrease in reinvestment under the 少了投资。
impact of COVID-19 and other factors.
·The primary factor that incentivizes companies to 是广州市场的增长潜力,其次为政策利好及其他国家新冠
increase investment or shift investment to Guangzhou 疫情的不确定性。
is the growth potential of local market, followed by
preferential policies and uncertainty of COVID-19 ·约七成受访企业表示在未来三年将在广州有扩展
pandemic in other countries. 业务或经营的计划。
·Approximately 70% of the companies plan to · 99%的受访企业认为广州营商环境“很好”或“好”
expand in Guangzhou in the next three years. 又或者“中立”。
·99% of the studied companies consider the ·大部分受访企业表示选择在穗发展的主要原因是
business environment in Guangzhou excellent or good 广州市场增长的潜力,其次是毗邻港澳台地区的优势以及
or neutral. 广州更好的基础设施。
·Most of the companies ascribe their determination
to establish a company in Guangzhou to growth potential
of Guangzhou market, followed by advantage of proximity
to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, as well as better
infrastructure than other places in China.
an increase in reinvestment in Guangzhou in 2020 while 而在新冠疫情以及其他因素的影响的下仅20%的企业减
merely 20% report a decrease in reinvestment under the 少了投资。
impact of COVID-19 and other factors.
·The primary factor that incentivizes companies to 是广州市场的增长潜力,其次为政策利好及其他国家新冠
increase investment or shift investment to Guangzhou 疫情的不确定性。
is the growth potential of local market, followed by
preferential policies and uncertainty of COVID-19 ·约七成受访企业表示在未来三年将在广州有扩展
pandemic in other countries. 业务或经营的计划。
·Approximately 70% of the companies plan to · 99%的受访企业认为广州营商环境“很好”或“好”
expand in Guangzhou in the next three years. 又或者“中立”。
·99% of the studied companies consider the ·大部分受访企业表示选择在穗发展的主要原因是
business environment in Guangzhou excellent or good 广州市场增长的潜力,其次是毗邻港澳台地区的优势以及
or neutral. 广州更好的基础设施。
·Most of the companies ascribe their determination
to establish a company in Guangzhou to growth potential
of Guangzhou market, followed by advantage of proximity
to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, as well as better
infrastructure than other places in China.