Page 12 - 2021 Guangzhou Special Report
P. 12
Key Takeaways 关键要点

According to 2021 Special Report on the State 根据《 2021年华南地区经济情况特别报告》,广州
of Business in South China, Guangzhou re- 仍然是受访企业首选的再投资目的地。在我们
mains the top preferred reinvestment desti- 的调查中,这是广州连续第四年蝉联中国最受欢迎的投资
nation in China. This is the fourth consecutive year that 城市。 为了更好地了解广州的营商环境以及其如何持续吸
Guangzhou ranks the most popular city for investment 引投资者,自2021年3月22日至2021年4月8日,华南美国
in China in our research. To better understand business 商会通过随机抽样邀请相关会员企业参加本次问卷调查,
environment in Guangzhou and how it keeps attracting 以回顾其过去一年的商业活动并为下一年的商业前景提供
investors, AmCham South China reached out to a large 见解。
sampling of participants with established operations in
Guangzhou from March 22, 2021 to April 8, 2021 to con-
duct this study to review their business activities over the
past year and provided insight into the business land-
scape over the next year.

Key takeaways of this report are as below: 本报告的关键要点如下:

·90% of the studied companies have already · 约九成受访企业表示已在广州实现盈利 。剩余还未
achieved profitability in Guangzhou. Majority of the rest 盈利的企业预期将在两年内或者更短的时间内盈利。
expect to become profitable with two years or less.
·78% of the surveyed companies report positive 尽管新冠肺炎疫情导致全球经济仍有受挫的可能,大部分
overall return on investment in China. Despite the fact 受访企业对广州市场的增长仍保持乐观的态度。
that global economy remains liable to setbacks owing to
COVID-19, most of the companies still take a sanguine view · 广州无疑是最热门的投资城市之一,95%的企业会
of the business outlook in Guangzhou. 选择广州作为其投资目的地之一。

·Guangzhou is doubtlessly one of the most popular
investment cities with over 95% of companies selecting it
as one of their investment destinations.

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