Page 13 - 2020 Mid-Year Special Report
P. 13
xpectation for Revenue in 瀵�2020骞翠笅鍗婂勾浼佷笟
When asked about their expectation of
revenue in the second half of 2020, the 褰撹闂強浠栦滑瀵�2020骞翠笅鍗婂勾鏀跺叆鐨�
majority of companies held positive outlook 鏈熸湜鏃讹紝澶у鏁颁紒涓氬鍏跺彂灞曟寔涔愯
in their development, with nearly 48% of 鎬佸害锛岃繎48锛呯殑浼佷笟棰勮鍏舵敹鍏ュ皢鍦�2020
companies reporting to expect their year-on- 骞翠笅鍗婂勾鍚屾瘮澧炲姞銆� 浣嗘槸锛�35锛呯殑鍙楄浼�
year revenue to increase in the second half 涓氬鑷繁鐨勬湭鏉ョ浉瀵规偛瑙傦紝骞堕璁″叾鏀跺叆灏�
of 2020. However, 35% of the participating 鍦�2020骞翠笅鍗婂勾鍚屾瘮涓嬫粦銆備笌姝ゅ悓鏃讹紝杩�
companies are not so optimistic about their 18锛呯殑鍙楄浼佷笟棰勬湡鏀跺叆涓嶄細鍙戠敓鍙樺寲銆�
future, reporting to expect a decrease of rev-
enue in the second half of 2020. Meanwhile,
nearly 18% of participating companies report
to expect no change in revenue.
Expectation for Revenue in the Second Half of 2020
When asked about their expectation of
revenue in the second half of 2020, the 褰撹闂強浠栦滑瀵�2020骞翠笅鍗婂勾鏀跺叆鐨�
majority of companies held positive outlook 鏈熸湜鏃讹紝澶у鏁颁紒涓氬鍏跺彂灞曟寔涔愯
in their development, with nearly 48% of 鎬佸害锛岃繎48锛呯殑浼佷笟棰勮鍏舵敹鍏ュ皢鍦�2020
companies reporting to expect their year-on- 骞翠笅鍗婂勾鍚屾瘮澧炲姞銆� 浣嗘槸锛�35锛呯殑鍙楄浼�
year revenue to increase in the second half 涓氬鑷繁鐨勬湭鏉ョ浉瀵规偛瑙傦紝骞堕璁″叾鏀跺叆灏�
of 2020. However, 35% of the participating 鍦�2020骞翠笅鍗婂勾鍚屾瘮涓嬫粦銆備笌姝ゅ悓鏃讹紝杩�
companies are not so optimistic about their 18锛呯殑鍙楄浼佷笟棰勬湡鏀跺叆涓嶄細鍙戠敓鍙樺寲銆�
future, reporting to expect a decrease of rev-
enue in the second half of 2020. Meanwhile,
nearly 18% of participating companies report
to expect no change in revenue.
Expectation for Revenue in the Second Half of 2020