Page 190 - 2019 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 190
9 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

according to statistics from CAAM. As emissions standards capital is invited to join the efforts, said the commission.
tighten and engines become more technologically It also suggests favorable tax and other financial policies
complex, some companies may not be able to afford to for small and medium sized companies and startups in
keep current (Whitey, et al.). smart cars. The commission also encourages international
cooperation to introduce advanced technologies, and
Smart Cars it calls for Chinese companies to expand their global
presence through mergers and joint ventures. A number
The US and Chinese investors, engineers and industry of Chinese and foreign companies see China as one of
professionals in Silicon Valley are optimistic about future the most attractive markets for self-driving technologies
self-driving technology powered by artificial intelligence and have begun campaigns. General Motors Co has
(AI). AI as a tool “helped create a world that is safer and demonstrated a vehicle to infrastructure communication
cleaner than the one in which we are driving today,” said application on public roads based on a standard it
Maarten Sierhuis, chief technology director of the Nissan developed with Tsinghua University and China’s Changan
Research Center based in Silicon Valley. “If you want to Automobile. Baidu Inc’s self-driving program, Apollo, has
be bold to say AI is going to change the world of driving, attracted a large number of Chinese and international
and I think that will probably happen in the long term,” partners, including Ford Motor Co and Daimler AG,
he said. AI technology will also boost the development of parent company of Mercedes Benz. Chinese companies
electrical vehicles, which have zero emissions. “Electronic are also teaming up to develop smart cars. A total of 21
vehicles are stimulated by the development of self- Chinese companies are planning a 1 billion yuan ($154
driving technology,” said Nan Zhou, director of Baidu million) joint venture that will specialize in research
Capital, who leads Baidu Investment Partners, with focus and development of such cars. China’s first road section
on its overseas investment on AI core tech and AI-related for testing autonomous vehicles will be launched in
application. By 2025, China will become the world’s Yizhuang, a southern suburb of Beijing (Li, Smart Car).
largest electronic vehicle market, a huge one for self-
driving technology, which provides a lot of opportunities
for the United States in terms of data sharing, she added
(Xinhua, US, Chinese Investors).

Vehicles that feature technology such as big data,
cloud computing, and artificial intelligence are commonly
referred to as “smart cars”. According to Yan Pengcheng,
spokesperson for the NDRC, “Smart cars have become a
strategic direction for the future development of the auto
industry,” said Yan. The NDRC will also work toward the
establishment of a national innovation and development
platform for smart cars by uniting different links in the
industry, Yan said. China previously announced that it
will cover 90 percent of its large cities and highways with
a wireless network that can support smart cars by 2020,
and ensure product supervision and information security
(Xinhua, China Plans to).

China expects smart cars with partial or fully
autonomous functions to account for 50 percent of new
vehicles sold in the country by 2020—one of the most
ambitious plans worldwide to push forward self-driving
technologies. The blueprint, released by the NDRC in
January 2018, is part of the country’s efforts to grow into
a global power in smart car development and production
by 2035. The commission also expects China to basically
finish a framework of smart car standards by 2020. Private

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