Page 54 - 2017 Special Report
P. 54
Macau’s currency, the pataca (MOP), is closely tied to of the One Country, Two Systems policy, the central 澳门国际消费品展(Mega Macao)是澳门首个充 大桥与氹仔连接。两个离岛之间则由全场2.2公里的氹
the Hong Kong dollar, which is freely accepted in Macau. government is trying to integrate the economies of 分利用新建设施的展会。在广交会上下期休会期间,该 仔-路环公路相接。2009年年底开始动工的香港-珠海-
Hong Kong’s links with Macau’s gambling industry are Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China. Hengqin is 展会在澳门威尼斯人会展中心举行(该会展中心是澳门 澳门大桥预计在2016年底完成通车。
extensive, especially through three of the six companies directly across the water from Macau, and as such is a 威尼斯人度假村的一部分,占地十万平方米,其中七万
with gaming licenses in Macau: STDM, Galaxy, and pilot zone for integration. It has already attracted over 平方米用于举办展览,一次性可容纳五千个展位)。 水路及港口
Melco. STDM’s gaming subsidiary, SJM, and Galaxy are 226.3 billion yuan (US$36.4 billion) in total investment.
listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, as are two With professional zone management, as well as the most 澳门《与内地建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》 澳门港包括外港和内港,外港为往来香港之定期客
other license holders, Wynn Macau and Las Vegas Sands’ preferential investment policies in South China, Hengqin (CEPA)于2003年10月17日签署,2004年1月1日开 轮上落乘客专用,而内港则用于装载货物。九澳港包括
Macau operations. New Area offers appealing incentives to investors. 始生效。该协定允许澳门制造的产品免关税进入中国大 有油库码头以及公司专业码头。二十四小时开放的渡轮
陆。澳门政府经济局发布的官方数据显示,自2004年 和直升机定期从香港开往澳门。澳门港也有渡轮驶往深
Having surpassed Las Vegas in gambling revenue, In March 2014, China issued a “Preferential Corporate 1月到2016年9月底,在《与内地建立更紧密经贸关系 圳蛇口港。
the city is now looking to broaden its economic base Income Tax Catalog” for Hengqin New Area, which 的安排》的推动下,出口产品总值达到744739630澳
by keeping tourists in town for longer periods of time. identified five industries and 72 business categories, 门币。在服务贸易方面,澳门政府经济局批准了611个
While casino earnings constitute nearly half of Macau’s such as ocean-sourced pharmaceuticals and health care, “澳门服务供应商”牌照,取得牌照的企业主要从事交
earnings, in Las Vegas they make up only about 25 for preferential tax treatment. While China’s standard 通物流、会展展览、管理咨询、建筑、配送、电信、法
percent of tourist-related revenue, suggesting that rate of corporate income tax is 25 percent, eligible 律、广告、航空运输服务的销售和营销、房地产、视听
tourists in Macau tend to stay for only a day or two, enterprises listed in the Catalog will be taxed at a 设备、旅行社、医药和牙科、就业推荐机构、航空运输
gambling and quickly leaving. The region is hoping to reduced 15 percent rate closer to corporate income tax 服务以及商标代理等。
change that by cashing in on the lucrative convention levels in Hong Kong and Macau.
trade with new exhibition centers and significant growth 聚焦横琴岛
in the number of hotel rooms available. Infrastructure
The first exhibition to take advantage of the added Air 的三个片区之一,距离澳门特别行政区只有咫尺之遥。
space was Mega Macau, the first-ever trade exhibition 在“一国两制”政策下,中央政府目前正在致力于推进
of its kind in the SAR. Running between the two phases Macau is accessible by air from most major cities 内地与港澳经济一体化建设。横琴岛因与澳门仅一水之
of the Canton Fair in Guangzhou, the event was held in in Asia plus a number of domestic destinations. All 隔,成为深度合作的试点区域,目前已经吸引投资总额
the Venetian Convention and Exhibition Center (part of passengers using the modern Macau International 达到2263亿人民币(相当于364亿美元)。横琴新区
the Venetian Macau mega resort complex and featuring Airport are subject to an airport tax and passenger tax. 拥有专业的管理经验,而且享有中国南部地区最优惠的
100,000 square meters of conference and exhibition 投资政策,对投资者有极大的吸引力。
space, 70,000 square meters of which is dedicated to Road
exhibitions and can accommodate up to 5,000 booths at 2014年3月,中国政府公布横琴新区《企业所得税
a time). Macau consists of a peninsula and the two islands of 优惠目录》,对五大行业共72个类别的产业企业按优惠
Taipa and Coloane. Three bridges, the Nobre de Carvalho 税率征收企业所得税。在中国,企业所得税的法定税率
Macau’s Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement Bridge, Friendship Bridge (Ponte da Amizade) and Sai 是25%,而符合《企业所得税优惠目录》规定产业项目
(CEPA) with Mainland China was signed on October Van Bridge, link the peninsula to Taipa. In addition, the 的企业,则按15%的税率缴纳企业所得税,接近香港和
17, 2003 and came into effect on January 1, 2004. The two islands are linked by the six-lane 2.2 kilometer Taipa- 澳门地区的税率。
agreement offers Macau-made products tariff-free Coloane Causeway. Construction of the Hong-Kong-
access to the mainland. According to official statistics Zhuhai Macau Bridge began at the end of 2009 and is 基础设施
issued by Macau Economic Services, the total product due to be completed by the end of 2016.
export value under CEPA reached MOP 744,739,630 航空
from January 2004 to the end of September 2016. With Ports and Waterways
respect to trade in services, Macau Economic Services 除了国内航空线路之外,澳门机场有航班飞往大多
has approved 611 “Macau Service Supplier” certificates, Macau Port includes an outer harbor for passenger 数亚洲大城市。澳门国际机场的所有旅客均需要缴纳机
for companies. vessels to/from Hong Kong, as well as an inner port for 场税和旅客税。
cargo. The Ka-Ho Harbor includes a fuel oil terminal and
Spotlight on Hengqin Island company-exclusive piers. There are regular ferries and 公路
helicopters providing 24-hour service to Hong Kong.
Hengqin New Area, located in the Zhuhai Special Ferries also connect with the Shekou Port in Shenzhen. 澳门由澳门半岛以及氹仔和路环两个离岛组成,南
Economic Zone and part of the Guangdong Free Trade 面分别由嘉乐庇大桥、友谊大桥(新澳凼大桥)和西湾
Zone, is only a stone’s throw away from Macau. As part
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the Hong Kong dollar, which is freely accepted in Macau. government is trying to integrate the economies of 分利用新建设施的展会。在广交会上下期休会期间,该 仔-路环公路相接。2009年年底开始动工的香港-珠海-
Hong Kong’s links with Macau’s gambling industry are Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China. Hengqin is 展会在澳门威尼斯人会展中心举行(该会展中心是澳门 澳门大桥预计在2016年底完成通车。
extensive, especially through three of the six companies directly across the water from Macau, and as such is a 威尼斯人度假村的一部分,占地十万平方米,其中七万
with gaming licenses in Macau: STDM, Galaxy, and pilot zone for integration. It has already attracted over 平方米用于举办展览,一次性可容纳五千个展位)。 水路及港口
Melco. STDM’s gaming subsidiary, SJM, and Galaxy are 226.3 billion yuan (US$36.4 billion) in total investment.
listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, as are two With professional zone management, as well as the most 澳门《与内地建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》 澳门港包括外港和内港,外港为往来香港之定期客
other license holders, Wynn Macau and Las Vegas Sands’ preferential investment policies in South China, Hengqin (CEPA)于2003年10月17日签署,2004年1月1日开 轮上落乘客专用,而内港则用于装载货物。九澳港包括
Macau operations. New Area offers appealing incentives to investors. 始生效。该协定允许澳门制造的产品免关税进入中国大 有油库码头以及公司专业码头。二十四小时开放的渡轮
陆。澳门政府经济局发布的官方数据显示,自2004年 和直升机定期从香港开往澳门。澳门港也有渡轮驶往深
Having surpassed Las Vegas in gambling revenue, In March 2014, China issued a “Preferential Corporate 1月到2016年9月底,在《与内地建立更紧密经贸关系 圳蛇口港。
the city is now looking to broaden its economic base Income Tax Catalog” for Hengqin New Area, which 的安排》的推动下,出口产品总值达到744739630澳
by keeping tourists in town for longer periods of time. identified five industries and 72 business categories, 门币。在服务贸易方面,澳门政府经济局批准了611个
While casino earnings constitute nearly half of Macau’s such as ocean-sourced pharmaceuticals and health care, “澳门服务供应商”牌照,取得牌照的企业主要从事交
earnings, in Las Vegas they make up only about 25 for preferential tax treatment. While China’s standard 通物流、会展展览、管理咨询、建筑、配送、电信、法
percent of tourist-related revenue, suggesting that rate of corporate income tax is 25 percent, eligible 律、广告、航空运输服务的销售和营销、房地产、视听
tourists in Macau tend to stay for only a day or two, enterprises listed in the Catalog will be taxed at a 设备、旅行社、医药和牙科、就业推荐机构、航空运输
gambling and quickly leaving. The region is hoping to reduced 15 percent rate closer to corporate income tax 服务以及商标代理等。
change that by cashing in on the lucrative convention levels in Hong Kong and Macau.
trade with new exhibition centers and significant growth 聚焦横琴岛
in the number of hotel rooms available. Infrastructure
The first exhibition to take advantage of the added Air 的三个片区之一,距离澳门特别行政区只有咫尺之遥。
space was Mega Macau, the first-ever trade exhibition 在“一国两制”政策下,中央政府目前正在致力于推进
of its kind in the SAR. Running between the two phases Macau is accessible by air from most major cities 内地与港澳经济一体化建设。横琴岛因与澳门仅一水之
of the Canton Fair in Guangzhou, the event was held in in Asia plus a number of domestic destinations. All 隔,成为深度合作的试点区域,目前已经吸引投资总额
the Venetian Convention and Exhibition Center (part of passengers using the modern Macau International 达到2263亿人民币(相当于364亿美元)。横琴新区
the Venetian Macau mega resort complex and featuring Airport are subject to an airport tax and passenger tax. 拥有专业的管理经验,而且享有中国南部地区最优惠的
100,000 square meters of conference and exhibition 投资政策,对投资者有极大的吸引力。
space, 70,000 square meters of which is dedicated to Road
exhibitions and can accommodate up to 5,000 booths at 2014年3月,中国政府公布横琴新区《企业所得税
a time). Macau consists of a peninsula and the two islands of 优惠目录》,对五大行业共72个类别的产业企业按优惠
Taipa and Coloane. Three bridges, the Nobre de Carvalho 税率征收企业所得税。在中国,企业所得税的法定税率
Macau’s Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement Bridge, Friendship Bridge (Ponte da Amizade) and Sai 是25%,而符合《企业所得税优惠目录》规定产业项目
(CEPA) with Mainland China was signed on October Van Bridge, link the peninsula to Taipa. In addition, the 的企业,则按15%的税率缴纳企业所得税,接近香港和
17, 2003 and came into effect on January 1, 2004. The two islands are linked by the six-lane 2.2 kilometer Taipa- 澳门地区的税率。
agreement offers Macau-made products tariff-free Coloane Causeway. Construction of the Hong-Kong-
access to the mainland. According to official statistics Zhuhai Macau Bridge began at the end of 2009 and is 基础设施
issued by Macau Economic Services, the total product due to be completed by the end of 2016.
export value under CEPA reached MOP 744,739,630 航空
from January 2004 to the end of September 2016. With Ports and Waterways
respect to trade in services, Macau Economic Services 除了国内航空线路之外,澳门机场有航班飞往大多
has approved 611 “Macau Service Supplier” certificates, Macau Port includes an outer harbor for passenger 数亚洲大城市。澳门国际机场的所有旅客均需要缴纳机
for companies. vessels to/from Hong Kong, as well as an inner port for 场税和旅客税。
cargo. The Ka-Ho Harbor includes a fuel oil terminal and
Spotlight on Hengqin Island company-exclusive piers. There are regular ferries and 公路
helicopters providing 24-hour service to Hong Kong.
Hengqin New Area, located in the Zhuhai Special Ferries also connect with the Shekou Port in Shenzhen. 澳门由澳门半岛以及氹仔和路环两个离岛组成,南
Economic Zone and part of the Guangdong Free Trade 面分别由嘉乐庇大桥、友谊大桥(新澳凼大桥)和西湾
Zone, is only a stone’s throw away from Macau. As part
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