Page 5 - 2017 Policy Watch
P. 5
amble The American Chamber of Commerce in South China


In recent years, the number of cases accepted and 近年来,最高人民法院(最高院)受理案件数量巨
heard by the Supreme People’s Court is very substantial. 大,自2010年以来最高院每年受理案件均在10,000
The Supreme People’s Court has accepted and heard over 件以上,登记来访60,000~70,000件。为减缓最高
10,000 cases and registered 60,000 to 70,000 reviews every 院北京本部的案件压力,特在地方设立最高人民法院巡
year since 2010. To mitigate the case pressure on the Beijing 回法庭(最高院巡回法庭),最高院巡回法庭是属于最
headquarters of the Supreme People’s Court, circuit courts 高人民法院下属机构,主要审理跨行政区域重大行政和
of the Supreme People’s Court have been established at local 民商事案件,方便当事人诉讼,支持地方法院的审判
levels as subordinate bodies of the Supreme People’s Court. 工作。
These Circuit Courts are mainly in charge of the trial of major
administrative, civil and commercial cases in administrative
regions, to facilitate litigation and support the trial work of
the local courts.

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