Page 4 - 2017 Policy Watch
P. 4
icy Watch: The Circuit Courts of the Supreme People’s Court

President’s Message 会长致辞

Dear Members, 亲爱的会员:

Our Chamber, through its IPR Committee, has for 长年以来,华南美国商会通过自己的知识产权委
many years led the way in helping to bring about effective 员会致力于推进中国对知识产权的有效保护。在过去几
IPR protection in China. In the past few years China has 年中,中国对知识产权的立法及执法均实现了重大的进
made substantial progress in the areas of IPR legislation and 步。此份政策要览是对高级人民法院(非当地政府)管
enforcement. This Policy Paper is a review of the activities 辖下的巡回法院所作决策的回顾。
of the Circuit Courts, which are under the jurisdiction of the
Supreme People’s Court (not the local governments). 超过90%在中国提起诉讼的知识产权案件双方均
With more than 90% of IPR cases filed in China 大有裨益。此份回顾出自我们由资深法律专家包志恒博
involving Chinese parties against Chinese parties, I believe 士及其律所安与恩办事处带领下的知识产权委员会。包
this Review will be of great benefit to all companies in China. 志恒博士也是华南美国商会的理事之一。我为他对我们
This Review was performed under the guidance of our IPR 的商业团体作出的慷慨贡献深表感激。
Committee, led by its highly learned and capable Chair, Dr.
David Buxbaum and his firm, Anderson and Anderson. Dr.
David Buxbaum is also a member of the Board of Governors
of our Chamber. I am most grateful to David for his generosity
and contributions to our business community.

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