Page 3 - 2017 Policy Watch
P. 3
tents 目录
会长致辞 4
- President’s Message 前言 5
- Preamble 最高人民法院巡回法庭设立 6
- The Process of Establishing the 过程
Circuit Courts 最高院巡回法庭管辖范围和 6
- The Jurisdiction and Authority 权限
of the Circuit Courts 最高院巡回法庭的权力范围 12
- The Power of the Circuit Courts 最高院巡回法庭审判人员的 13
- The Selection of Judges of the 设置
Circuit Courts 最高院巡回法庭的审判权力 14
- Operating Mechanisms of the 运行机制
Circuit Courts 最高院巡回法庭工作情况 16
- Examples of the Work of the
Circuit Courts of the Supreme 结语 28
People’s Court (cases) 附录 28
- Conclusion 各巡回法庭庭长、副庭长、
- Appendix Introduction of the 主审法官的具体介绍
Chief Judges, Deputy Chief
Judges and Trial Judges of
Various Circuit Courts
会长致辞 4
- President’s Message 前言 5
- Preamble 最高人民法院巡回法庭设立 6
- The Process of Establishing the 过程
Circuit Courts 最高院巡回法庭管辖范围和 6
- The Jurisdiction and Authority 权限
of the Circuit Courts 最高院巡回法庭的权力范围 12
- The Power of the Circuit Courts 最高院巡回法庭审判人员的 13
- The Selection of Judges of the 设置
Circuit Courts 最高院巡回法庭的审判权力 14
- Operating Mechanisms of the 运行机制
Circuit Courts 最高院巡回法庭工作情况 16
- Examples of the Work of the
Circuit Courts of the Supreme 结语 28
People’s Court (cases) 附录 28
- Conclusion 各巡回法庭庭长、副庭长、
- Appendix Introduction of the 主审法官的具体介绍
Chief Judges, Deputy Chief
Judges and Trial Judges of
Various Circuit Courts