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5 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
At the time of writing, the United States and China are in then a senator, worked with then-Premier Zhu Rongji to
the middle stages of negotiating the BIT. When the BIT text promote China’s entry into the World Trade Organization,
is nal and ready for government consideration, the treaty will which proved to be China’s “catalyst for internal reform and
be submitted to the Senate and referred to the Committee the beginning of a decade of breakneck economic expansion”.
on Foreign Relations. Once considered, the Committee may Mr. Baucus stated: “I believe that the [treaty] could do for
report the treaty to the full Senate favorably, unfavorably, give China’s investment regime what the WTO did for trade”. He
no recommendation, or choose not to act it at all. When a recalled that when working on the WTO deal, Mr. Zhu told
treaty has been reported to the Senate, it will be added to him, “I need you to push from the outside so I can push from
the Executive Calendar and considered in executive session. the inside.” 3
Two-thirds of the Senate must vote in favor of the BIT, via a
resolution of rati cation, in order for it to pass.1 Similar sentiments were echoed a few months later in No-
vember 2014, when during President Obama’s visit to Beijing
e importance of the US-China BIT was brought to the for APEC, senior leaders from both countries had expressed a
attention of US President Barack Obama in October 2014, desire to conclude treaty talks in 2015. US Trade Representa-
when more than 50 business leaders called on the President tive Michael Froman remarked: “Our focus with China right
to “make the completion of a bilateral investment treaty the now is on the Bilateral Investment Treaty, which is one key set
focus of meetings next month in China.” According to top of issues on investment that are part of an overall high-stan-
political website e Hill, the 51 U.S. chief executives of dard approach.” e chief US trade negotiator said “a short
negative list discussed under the BIT would mean everything
rms which included Fortune 500 companies such as Walt is open in China except for a few things that are specially
Disney and Coca Cola, sent a letter of support for the BIT listed.” He described it as a “good test case for a high-standard
to the White House and “asking the president to make such agreement with China.” 4
discussions a high priority” with China’s President Xi Jinping
in November 2014.2 e week before APEC, in early November 2014, China
and the US concluded talks on the tari -cutting Information
According to the contents of the letter, the American busi- Technology Agreement (ITA), hailed by Mr. Froman as “a
ness leaders wrote the following to President Obama: “ e major breakthrough”.4 A month earlier, according to various
commercial relationship between the United States and China media reports, Vice-Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao had
is enormously important to our companies and the health of stated that the US-led Trans-Paci c Partnership (TPP) “is
the American economy. Getting this commercial relationship incomplete without China’s participation.” .4,5,6 Speaking in
right — by expanding the opportunities and e ectively ad- Washington DC, Mr. Zhu said: “...our position is clear. As
dressing the challenges — will help maintain American eco- China becomes more open, it’s very important for us to be
nomic strength and leadership in the decades ahead. If China integrated into the global trade system with high standard.”6
can signi cantly reduce its negative list and open markets to
American manufacturers, agriculture producers, and service According to China Daily, Mr. Zhu’s comments are “widely
providers, you will nd the business community fully engaged regarded as a major turning point in China’s attitude towards
and supportive of your leadership to gain Senate approval of TPP. China has evolved from having a deep suspicion of TPP
the treaty.”2 as part of a US containment strategy of China to showing
an interest in the regional free trade agreement.”4 According
Leading the group’s e orts was US-China Business Coun- to the same report, Ely Ratner, a senior fellow and deputy
cil head John Frisbie, who said the letter “represents a strong director of the Asia-Paci c Security Program at the Center for
message” and adding that “completing a high-standard U.S.- a New American Security, wrote in Politico magazine that “the
China BIT will have a signi cant and lasting impact on the growing consensus in Beijing that China should try to be part
trajectory of the U.S.-China commercial relationship and a of the TPP re ects not only the potential economic bene ts
more equitable commercial framework to guide the relation- it could accrue by joining the grouping, but also the fact that
ship forward.”2 the changes necessary for China to qualify for membership
could advance President Xi Jinping’s e orts to make domestic
A few months earlier, the importance of the treaty between economic reforms in areas such as market access, government
the two countries was emphasized by US Ambassador to China procurement, intellectual property rights, labor standards and
Max Baucus, who, in his rst Beijing public engagement in environmental protection.” 4
June 2014 since taking up the post in March, stated to the
Wall Street Journal that “ ere’s a lot of work to do on the American business interests in China are keenly watching
[treaty], but moving forward on that will be a top priority for the proceedings. In September 2014, the American Chamber
me.” According to the same media report, the Ambassador has of Commerce in China formulated a new initiative – the BIT
a proven track record in negotiating trade deals with China. Task Force – to act as a committee specializing in advocating
e Wall Street Journal recalls that in the 1990s, Mr. Baucus,
At the time of writing, the United States and China are in then a senator, worked with then-Premier Zhu Rongji to
the middle stages of negotiating the BIT. When the BIT text promote China’s entry into the World Trade Organization,
is nal and ready for government consideration, the treaty will which proved to be China’s “catalyst for internal reform and
be submitted to the Senate and referred to the Committee the beginning of a decade of breakneck economic expansion”.
on Foreign Relations. Once considered, the Committee may Mr. Baucus stated: “I believe that the [treaty] could do for
report the treaty to the full Senate favorably, unfavorably, give China’s investment regime what the WTO did for trade”. He
no recommendation, or choose not to act it at all. When a recalled that when working on the WTO deal, Mr. Zhu told
treaty has been reported to the Senate, it will be added to him, “I need you to push from the outside so I can push from
the Executive Calendar and considered in executive session. the inside.” 3
Two-thirds of the Senate must vote in favor of the BIT, via a
resolution of rati cation, in order for it to pass.1 Similar sentiments were echoed a few months later in No-
vember 2014, when during President Obama’s visit to Beijing
e importance of the US-China BIT was brought to the for APEC, senior leaders from both countries had expressed a
attention of US President Barack Obama in October 2014, desire to conclude treaty talks in 2015. US Trade Representa-
when more than 50 business leaders called on the President tive Michael Froman remarked: “Our focus with China right
to “make the completion of a bilateral investment treaty the now is on the Bilateral Investment Treaty, which is one key set
focus of meetings next month in China.” According to top of issues on investment that are part of an overall high-stan-
political website e Hill, the 51 U.S. chief executives of dard approach.” e chief US trade negotiator said “a short
negative list discussed under the BIT would mean everything
rms which included Fortune 500 companies such as Walt is open in China except for a few things that are specially
Disney and Coca Cola, sent a letter of support for the BIT listed.” He described it as a “good test case for a high-standard
to the White House and “asking the president to make such agreement with China.” 4
discussions a high priority” with China’s President Xi Jinping
in November 2014.2 e week before APEC, in early November 2014, China
and the US concluded talks on the tari -cutting Information
According to the contents of the letter, the American busi- Technology Agreement (ITA), hailed by Mr. Froman as “a
ness leaders wrote the following to President Obama: “ e major breakthrough”.4 A month earlier, according to various
commercial relationship between the United States and China media reports, Vice-Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao had
is enormously important to our companies and the health of stated that the US-led Trans-Paci c Partnership (TPP) “is
the American economy. Getting this commercial relationship incomplete without China’s participation.” .4,5,6 Speaking in
right — by expanding the opportunities and e ectively ad- Washington DC, Mr. Zhu said: “...our position is clear. As
dressing the challenges — will help maintain American eco- China becomes more open, it’s very important for us to be
nomic strength and leadership in the decades ahead. If China integrated into the global trade system with high standard.”6
can signi cantly reduce its negative list and open markets to
American manufacturers, agriculture producers, and service According to China Daily, Mr. Zhu’s comments are “widely
providers, you will nd the business community fully engaged regarded as a major turning point in China’s attitude towards
and supportive of your leadership to gain Senate approval of TPP. China has evolved from having a deep suspicion of TPP
the treaty.”2 as part of a US containment strategy of China to showing
an interest in the regional free trade agreement.”4 According
Leading the group’s e orts was US-China Business Coun- to the same report, Ely Ratner, a senior fellow and deputy
cil head John Frisbie, who said the letter “represents a strong director of the Asia-Paci c Security Program at the Center for
message” and adding that “completing a high-standard U.S.- a New American Security, wrote in Politico magazine that “the
China BIT will have a signi cant and lasting impact on the growing consensus in Beijing that China should try to be part
trajectory of the U.S.-China commercial relationship and a of the TPP re ects not only the potential economic bene ts
more equitable commercial framework to guide the relation- it could accrue by joining the grouping, but also the fact that
ship forward.”2 the changes necessary for China to qualify for membership
could advance President Xi Jinping’s e orts to make domestic
A few months earlier, the importance of the treaty between economic reforms in areas such as market access, government
the two countries was emphasized by US Ambassador to China procurement, intellectual property rights, labor standards and
Max Baucus, who, in his rst Beijing public engagement in environmental protection.” 4
June 2014 since taking up the post in March, stated to the
Wall Street Journal that “ ere’s a lot of work to do on the American business interests in China are keenly watching
[treaty], but moving forward on that will be a top priority for the proceedings. In September 2014, the American Chamber
me.” According to the same media report, the Ambassador has of Commerce in China formulated a new initiative – the BIT
a proven track record in negotiating trade deals with China. Task Force – to act as a committee specializing in advocating
e Wall Street Journal recalls that in the 1990s, Mr. Baucus,