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5 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
4.3 South China
Q: What are your company’s goals in South China?
1. Produce goods or services in South China for the China Continuing the long-established trend, “Produce goods
market or services in South China for the China market” remains
participants’ top goal in the region; the two other production-
2. Produce goods or services in South China for markets oriented results—“Produce goods or services in South China
other than the U.S. and China for markets other than the U.S. and China” and “Produce
goods or services in South China for the U.S. market”—also
3. Produce goods or services in South China for the U.S. remain in the top ve priorities for participating companies.
is year’s results, in fact, are identical to those recorded last
4. Establish or expand a regional base year. In 2014 “Bene t from lower labor costs in China” was
5. Export from China to countries other than the U.S. displaced in the top ve ranking by “Export from China to
countries other than the U.S.”
Q: What are the major reasons for your company to set up operations in South China
instead of other China locations?
1. Opportunities in South China’s domestic market “Opportunities in South China’s domestic market” remains
2. Proximity to Hong Kong a top consideration for companies setting up operations in
3. Better infrastructure than other places in South China South China, as do “Proximity to Hong Kong” and “Better
4. Greater openness than other places in China infrastructure than other places in China.” is year more
5. Availability of highly quali ed managers and specialists companies prioritized “Greater openness than other places
in China” over “Availability of highly quali ed managers and
Q: How do you expect your company’s operations to change in the following areas over
the coming 3 years?
1. Services provided in China Responses to this question are similar to those recorded
2. Overall China business activities last year, although “Overall China business activities” replaced
3. Competition from P.R.C. rms “Competition from PRC rms” in the ranking, suggesting
4. Overall China business activities that businesses are anticipating stronger growth and less erce
5. Pro ts competition.
4.3 South China
Q: What are your company’s goals in South China?
1. Produce goods or services in South China for the China Continuing the long-established trend, “Produce goods
market or services in South China for the China market” remains
participants’ top goal in the region; the two other production-
2. Produce goods or services in South China for markets oriented results—“Produce goods or services in South China
other than the U.S. and China for markets other than the U.S. and China” and “Produce
goods or services in South China for the U.S. market”—also
3. Produce goods or services in South China for the U.S. remain in the top ve priorities for participating companies.
is year’s results, in fact, are identical to those recorded last
4. Establish or expand a regional base year. In 2014 “Bene t from lower labor costs in China” was
5. Export from China to countries other than the U.S. displaced in the top ve ranking by “Export from China to
countries other than the U.S.”
Q: What are the major reasons for your company to set up operations in South China
instead of other China locations?
1. Opportunities in South China’s domestic market “Opportunities in South China’s domestic market” remains
2. Proximity to Hong Kong a top consideration for companies setting up operations in
3. Better infrastructure than other places in South China South China, as do “Proximity to Hong Kong” and “Better
4. Greater openness than other places in China infrastructure than other places in China.” is year more
5. Availability of highly quali ed managers and specialists companies prioritized “Greater openness than other places
in China” over “Availability of highly quali ed managers and
Q: How do you expect your company’s operations to change in the following areas over
the coming 3 years?
1. Services provided in China Responses to this question are similar to those recorded
2. Overall China business activities last year, although “Overall China business activities” replaced
3. Competition from P.R.C. rms “Competition from PRC rms” in the ranking, suggesting
4. Overall China business activities that businesses are anticipating stronger growth and less erce
5. Pro ts competition.