Page 280 - 2015_WhitePaper_web
P. 280
5 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

Q: When does your company expect to be pro table in China?

100% Other

80% In between 3 to 5 years

Within 2 years

This year

Already pro table


0% 2014 2013 Profitable and significantly exceeding
2015 budget expectations (4%)

Q: If your company is already pro table, Pro table Profitable but
to what extent? and meeting not meeting
budget budget
is year fully 94.4 percent of participating companies expectations expectations
reported that they were already pro table or would be within (49%) (47%)
the next two years. is is among the strongest majorities in
the study’s history. 2015

Continuing a trend observed since 2012, however, we nd Profitable and significantly exceeding
that fewer and fewer companies are pro table and meeting budget expectations (6%)
or exceeding budget expectations. Since the historic high for
this measure in 2012, each year we have seen the proportion Pro table Profitable but
of participants in this category fall to a historic low of 53.1 and meeting not meeting
percent this year. budget budget
expectations expectations
(51%) (43%)


Profitable and significantly exceeding
budget expectations (4%)

Pro table Profitable but
and meeting not meeting
budget budget
expectations expectations
(56%) (40%)


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