Page 276 - 2015_WhitePaper_web
P. 276
5 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
Q: Out of your total number of employees, how many are expatriates and/or foreign
passport holders?
60% Greater than 50 As in prior years, approximately half of
50% participants report employing fewer than
Between 21 and 50 5 foreign passport holders and around
40% another 30 percent reporting either 5 to
Between 11 and 20 10 or more than 50 expatriates. Slightly
fewer reported employing between 11
30% Between 5 and 10 and 20 expatriates, while nearly twice the
number of participants this year reported
20% Less than 5 employing between 21 and 50 expatriates
than had last year.
0% 2014 2013
Q: Has your company taken advantage of the current labor market by hiring new
No No No
(16%) (19%) (21%)
Yes Yes Yes
(84%) (81%) (79%)
2015 2014 2013
60% More than 5,000
Between 1,000 and 5,000
Continuing a gradual rise from a historic 50% Between 500 and 1,000
low of 69.5 percent in 2012, the number Between 250 and 500
Between 50 and 250
of participants who reported having “taken 40% Less than 50
advantage of the current labor market by
hiring new employees” grew once more this
year to reach 83.5 percent. 30%
Out of companies which reported
hiring new employees over the course 20%
of 2014, we nd a somewhat similar
distribution to prior years’ in terms of the 10%
number of new hires, with the exception
of a notable decrease in the proportion of 0%
participants reporting hiring more than 2015 2014 2013
5,000 new employees. is tracks with Based on this year’s distribution of numbers hired and the
the decline in the number of companies reporting that many chamber’s current size of 2,300 members, we can estimate that
employees overall, suggesting that this year’s participants over the course of 2014 AmCham South China companies
are less focused on labor-intensive (and likely low-margin) hired 534,000 new employees in China.
activities in favor of more highly-skilled work and workers.
Q: Out of your total number of employees, how many are expatriates and/or foreign
passport holders?
60% Greater than 50 As in prior years, approximately half of
50% participants report employing fewer than
Between 21 and 50 5 foreign passport holders and around
40% another 30 percent reporting either 5 to
Between 11 and 20 10 or more than 50 expatriates. Slightly
fewer reported employing between 11
30% Between 5 and 10 and 20 expatriates, while nearly twice the
number of participants this year reported
20% Less than 5 employing between 21 and 50 expatriates
than had last year.
0% 2014 2013
Q: Has your company taken advantage of the current labor market by hiring new
No No No
(16%) (19%) (21%)
Yes Yes Yes
(84%) (81%) (79%)
2015 2014 2013
60% More than 5,000
Between 1,000 and 5,000
Continuing a gradual rise from a historic 50% Between 500 and 1,000
low of 69.5 percent in 2012, the number Between 250 and 500
Between 50 and 250
of participants who reported having “taken 40% Less than 50
advantage of the current labor market by
hiring new employees” grew once more this
year to reach 83.5 percent. 30%
Out of companies which reported
hiring new employees over the course 20%
of 2014, we nd a somewhat similar
distribution to prior years’ in terms of the 10%
number of new hires, with the exception
of a notable decrease in the proportion of 0%
participants reporting hiring more than 2015 2014 2013
5,000 new employees. is tracks with Based on this year’s distribution of numbers hired and the
the decline in the number of companies reporting that many chamber’s current size of 2,300 members, we can estimate that
employees overall, suggesting that this year’s participants over the course of 2014 AmCham South China companies
are less focused on labor-intensive (and likely low-margin) hired 534,000 new employees in China.
activities in favor of more highly-skilled work and workers.