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5 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
of travelers” which, if passed, would become the rst-ever Works Cited
legislation in the PRC to cover the tourism industry.41
1 Yang Yijun. “Number of hotel rooms set to soar.” China Daily.
Interestingly, President Dai Bin of the China Tourism 2011.
Academy claims that “A motion for legislation was raised content_14053498.htm. Accessed November 24, 2011.
more than three decades ago, but the process was slow, partly
because the tourism industry is supervised by more than 2 Ding Qingfen. “Hospitality industry goes along with trends.”
100 government organizations—and administrated by both China Daily. May 19, 2008.
central and local authorities.”41 cn/bizchina/2008-05/19/content_6695367.htm.Accessed
November 12, 2008.
e gist of the draft is, again courtesy of China Daily:
3 e National Bureau of Statistics of China. “China Statistical
e draft law sets operating standards for travel Yearbook 2009.” China Statistics Press. Beijing, People’s Republic
businesses and scenic areas, and prohibits travel of China. 2009.
agencies from forcing tourists to purchase goods.
4 “2009年1-12月来华旅游入境人数(按入境方式分).” e
Tipping will be at the discretion of the tourist, it states. National Tourism Administration of the People’s Republic of
China. January 19, 2010.
e draft targets agencies o ering so-called free tours, 1/2010-1-19-10-48-20174.html. Accessed November 10, 2010.
or even incentive tours, where the traveler is given a
small amount of cash or a gift. 5“ 2010年1-9月来华旅游入境人数(按入境方式分).” e
National Tourism Administration of the People’s Republic of
ese tours operate on a kickback system. Tourists are China. November 2, 2010.
taken to shops at pre-determined sites where goods 11/2010-11-2-10-35-68881.html. Accessed November 10,
are often sold at in ated prices, and the agency gets 2010.
a kickback.41 68881.html. Accessed November 10, 2010.
Other stipulations include that “Ticket prices should 6 Wang Wen. “China set for massive rise in hotel numbers.”
follow government pricing and any change in price should be China Daily. August 11, 2011.
announced to the public six months before implementation” cn/business/2011-08/11/content_13093782.htm.Accessed
and also that “Scenic spots should control the maximum November 23, 2011.
number of tourists, to ensure safety, especially on public
holidays.”41 7 “2011年1-9月来华旅游入境人数(按入境方式分).” e
National Tourism Administration of China. http://www.cnta.
As of December 5, 2012, no mention of the law beyond Accessed
the original reports of its draft form being read by the National November 23, 2011.
People’s Congress could be found, either on China Daily’s
website or in a broader Google query for “china tourism law”. 8 “Lodgings, catering retail sales drop amid nancial crisis.”
China Daily. December 20, 2008.
New Direction in National Tourism Strategy cn/bizchina/2008-12/20/content_7325055.htm.Accessed
In March 2013, China embarked on a new direction in December 21, 2008.
its national tourism strategy when e Outline for National
Tourism and Leisure (2013-2020, which had been long 9 “ e Survey of Foreign Investment in China’s Catering Industry
advocated by the China National Tourism Administration, in 2009.” Invest in China.
was issued by the State Council. In a report, the United Economy/Sectors/Service/Catering/t20101109_128105.htm.
Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) hailed the Accessed 1November 10, 2010.
document as a “landmark” will see the complete rede nition
of tourism development and management in the country, 10 “ e Survey of Foreign Investment in China’s Accommodation
spark an increase in Chinese outbound tourism and promote Industry in 2009.” Invest in China. November 9, 2010. http://
a greater distribution of the economic, socio-cultural and w w w. f d i . g o v. c n / p u b / F D I _ E N / E c o n o m y / S e c t o r s / S e r v i c e /
environmental bene ts of tourism.” e document also Hotels/t20101109_128108.htm.Accessed November 10, 2010.
“presents a roadmap for restructuring the current paid leave
system across China.”42
of travelers” which, if passed, would become the rst-ever Works Cited
legislation in the PRC to cover the tourism industry.41
1 Yang Yijun. “Number of hotel rooms set to soar.” China Daily.
Interestingly, President Dai Bin of the China Tourism 2011.
Academy claims that “A motion for legislation was raised content_14053498.htm. Accessed November 24, 2011.
more than three decades ago, but the process was slow, partly
because the tourism industry is supervised by more than 2 Ding Qingfen. “Hospitality industry goes along with trends.”
100 government organizations—and administrated by both China Daily. May 19, 2008.
central and local authorities.”41 cn/bizchina/2008-05/19/content_6695367.htm.Accessed
November 12, 2008.
e gist of the draft is, again courtesy of China Daily:
3 e National Bureau of Statistics of China. “China Statistical
e draft law sets operating standards for travel Yearbook 2009.” China Statistics Press. Beijing, People’s Republic
businesses and scenic areas, and prohibits travel of China. 2009.
agencies from forcing tourists to purchase goods.
4 “2009年1-12月来华旅游入境人数(按入境方式分).” e
Tipping will be at the discretion of the tourist, it states. National Tourism Administration of the People’s Republic of
China. January 19, 2010.
e draft targets agencies o ering so-called free tours, 1/2010-1-19-10-48-20174.html. Accessed November 10, 2010.
or even incentive tours, where the traveler is given a
small amount of cash or a gift. 5“ 2010年1-9月来华旅游入境人数(按入境方式分).” e
National Tourism Administration of the People’s Republic of
ese tours operate on a kickback system. Tourists are China. November 2, 2010.
taken to shops at pre-determined sites where goods 11/2010-11-2-10-35-68881.html. Accessed November 10,
are often sold at in ated prices, and the agency gets 2010.
a kickback.41 68881.html. Accessed November 10, 2010.
Other stipulations include that “Ticket prices should 6 Wang Wen. “China set for massive rise in hotel numbers.”
follow government pricing and any change in price should be China Daily. August 11, 2011.
announced to the public six months before implementation” cn/business/2011-08/11/content_13093782.htm.Accessed
and also that “Scenic spots should control the maximum November 23, 2011.
number of tourists, to ensure safety, especially on public
holidays.”41 7 “2011年1-9月来华旅游入境人数(按入境方式分).” e
National Tourism Administration of China. http://www.cnta.
As of December 5, 2012, no mention of the law beyond Accessed
the original reports of its draft form being read by the National November 23, 2011.
People’s Congress could be found, either on China Daily’s
website or in a broader Google query for “china tourism law”. 8 “Lodgings, catering retail sales drop amid nancial crisis.”
China Daily. December 20, 2008.
New Direction in National Tourism Strategy cn/bizchina/2008-12/20/content_7325055.htm.Accessed
In March 2013, China embarked on a new direction in December 21, 2008.
its national tourism strategy when e Outline for National
Tourism and Leisure (2013-2020, which had been long 9 “ e Survey of Foreign Investment in China’s Catering Industry
advocated by the China National Tourism Administration, in 2009.” Invest in China.
was issued by the State Council. In a report, the United Economy/Sectors/Service/Catering/t20101109_128105.htm.
Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) hailed the Accessed 1November 10, 2010.
document as a “landmark” will see the complete rede nition
of tourism development and management in the country, 10 “ e Survey of Foreign Investment in China’s Accommodation
spark an increase in Chinese outbound tourism and promote Industry in 2009.” Invest in China. November 9, 2010. http://
a greater distribution of the economic, socio-cultural and w w w. f d i . g o v. c n / p u b / F D I _ E N / E c o n o m y / S e c t o r s / S e r v i c e /
environmental bene ts of tourism.” e document also Hotels/t20101109_128108.htm.Accessed November 10, 2010.
“presents a roadmap for restructuring the current paid leave
system across China.”42