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5 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

to implementation, the ceiling had been at 150 parts-per- Works Cited
1 “Non-fossil fuels to take up 11.4 pct of China’s energy use by
A “National V” standard mandating a maximum sulphur 2015: former energy chief.” Xinhua. March 4, 2011. http://news.
content of 10 parts-per-million, is being rolled out in ma-
jor cities and will likely be adopted nationally in the coming htm. Accessed October 30, 2011.
years; these limits are all expected to help “clear up the smoggy
air of Chinese cities.”72 2 “China coal miner talks with power producers fail.” e Associated
Press. December 30, 2008.
In September 2013, China’s National Development and ap/article/ALeqM5gQ-J2-ZbUUuHhmypPnefyNXGG_
Reform Commission (NDRC) announced a new pricing kgD95C97S80. Accessed December 30, 2008.
policy for China’s higher quality fuels. Per the NDRC, prices
of China IV gasoline and diesel (50ppm sulfur content) in- 3 Rujun Shen. “China looks to exports as domestic coal demand
creased by 290 and 370 RMB/ton, respectively. e prices of drops.” Reuters. December 29, 2008.
China V gasoline and diesel (10ppm) increased a further 170 article/rbssEnergyNews/idUSSHA29429520081229. Accessed
and 160 RMB/ton, respectively.73 December 30, 2008.

e International Council on Clean Transportation 4 David Winning. “China’s Coal Crisis.” e Wall Street Journal.
(ICCT) noted that “ e new pricing changes were designed Novermber 16, 2011.
to encourage and assist China’s re neries to meet the fuel 424052748704312504575617810380509880.html. Accessed
quality improvement timeline announced by the State Coun- Novermber 17, 2011.
cil earlier this year. at timeline calls for nationwide supply
of China IV gasoline by the end of 2013, China IV diesel 5 Zhao Tingting. “China’s coal imports up 31% in 2010.”
by the end of 2014, and China V gasoline and diesel by the January 27, 2011. China Daily.
end of 2017.” e pricing changes,’ the ICCT observed, “ap- cn/usa/business/2011-01/27/content_11934931.htm. Accessed
pear to be the rst steps in implementing State Council calls February 2, 2011.
in October 2011 and February 2013 to use progressive scal
policy to encourage the supply of higher quality fuels.”73 6 “NEA to forge new coal production base in Xinjiang.” January 26,
2011. China Daily.
e ICCT stressed the signi cance of the NDRC an- 01/26/content_11916785.htm. Accessed February 2, 2011.
nouncement having included “an entire paragraph on the
importance of and mechanisms for ensuring compliance and 7 Keith Bradsher. “China Outpaces U.S. in Cleaner Coal-Fired
enforcement of the fuel quality” and noted that “combined Plants.” e New York Times. May 10, 2009. http://www.
with the price increases, this further underscores the Chinese Accessed
government’s deep commitment to ensuring the fuel quality Janaury 29, 2010.
timeline is met and commensurate air quality improvements
are achieved.”73 8 “China soon to issue full plan to reduce carbon intensity.” Xinhua. July
29, 2011.
07/29/c_131017373.htm. Accessed October 30, 2011.

9 James Melik. “China leads world in green energy investment.”
BBC. September 15, 2011.
business-14201939. Accessed October 31, 2011.

10 David Stanway. “China to cut coal use, shut polluters, in bid
to clear the air.” Reuters. September 12, 2013. http://www.
idUSBRE98B01N20130912. Accessed February 2, 2014.

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