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5 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
32 “China’s reliance on coal to drop 7% by 2015.” China 42 Brian Spegele. “Sinopec Chairman: China Needs to Change
Daily. July 21, 2010. Energy Strategy.” China Realtime Report. November 13, 2012.
November 25, 2010. chairman-china-needs-to-change-energy-strategy/. Accessed
November 27, 2012.
33 Travis Hochard. “A World of Potential.” Ethanol Producer
Magazine. January 2009. 43 “China’s 1st Sino-foreign re ning, petrochemical JV goes into
jsp?article_id=5156&q=&page=all. Accessed December 30, operation.” Xinhua. November 11, 2009. http://news.xinhuanet.
2008. com/english/2009-11/11/content_12435807.htm. Accessed
January 31, 2010.
34 “China Clari es Consumption Tax Exemption for Biodiesel
Production.” China Brie ng. July 4, 2011. http://www.china- 44 “Shell’s China venture to build Tianjin fuel storage – agency.” Reuters. January 9, 2012.
tax-exemption-for-biodiesel-production.html.Accessed article/2012/01/09/shell-idUSL3E8C95I520120109. Accessed
November 4, 2011. November 27, 2012.
35 “China to produce 189 mln tones of crude oil this year.” 45 Chen Aizhu. “PetroChina, Shell’s $13 billion re nery stalls
Xinhua. December 28, 2008. on land issue: sources.” Reuters. September 11, 2013. http://
english/2008-12/28/content_10569701.htm.Accessed w w w. r e u t e r s . c o m / a r t i c l e / 2 0 1 3 / 0 9 / 1 1 / u s - c h i n a - r e f i n e r y -
December 30, 2008. idUSBRE98A0G220130911. Accessed February 2, 2014.
36 “China Energy Data, Statistics and Analysis.” Energy Information 46 Chen Aizhu. “Chevron’s $6.4 billion China gas project pushed
Administration, e United States Department of Energy. back again: sources.” Reuters. December 6, 2013. http://
November 2010.
Background.html. Accessed February 2, 2011. idUSBRE9B507520131206. Accessed February 2, 2014.
37 Jim Bai. “China to boost oil stockpiling amid price slump.” 47 “Challenging conditions may continue, says Sinopec.” China
Reuters. December 29, 2008. Daily. December 25, 2009.
oilRpt/idUKPEK29764020081229. Accessed December 30, bizchina/2009-12/25/content_9228303.htm. Accessed January
2008. 31, 2010.
38 Wang Qian. “Oil imports hit alarming level in China: Study.” 48 Lan Lan. “Fuel-price drop good news.” China Daily. October
China Daily. January 14, 2010. 9, 2011.
bizchina/2010-01/14/content_9317926.htm.Accessed February content_13853620.htm. Accessed November 4, 2011.
2, 2011.
48 Du Juan. “NDRC raises fuel prices.” China Daily. September
39 “China’s re ning capacity may rise 50%, Sinopec says.” 11, 2012.
China Daily. May 25, 2010. content_15748829.htm. Accessed November 27, 2012.
November 25, 2010. 50 “China to cut fuel prices starting Friday.” Xinhua. November
15, 2012.
40 Wang Yu and Li Xiang. “Construction of petroleum reserves content_15934040.htm . Accessed November 27, 2012.
proceeding.” China Daily. July 23, 2011. http://www.chinadaily. 51 Zhou Yan. “Growth in oil use to slow in tandem with economy.”
November 4, 2011. China Daily. August 12, 2011.
41 “China to invest 80 billion yuan in oil and gas exploration November 4, 2011.
this year.” Reuters. September 15, 2013. http://www.
idUSBRE98E03S20130915. Accessed February 2, 2014.
32 “China’s reliance on coal to drop 7% by 2015.” China 42 Brian Spegele. “Sinopec Chairman: China Needs to Change
Daily. July 21, 2010. Energy Strategy.” China Realtime Report. November 13, 2012.
November 25, 2010. chairman-china-needs-to-change-energy-strategy/. Accessed
November 27, 2012.
33 Travis Hochard. “A World of Potential.” Ethanol Producer
Magazine. January 2009. 43 “China’s 1st Sino-foreign re ning, petrochemical JV goes into
jsp?article_id=5156&q=&page=all. Accessed December 30, operation.” Xinhua. November 11, 2009. http://news.xinhuanet.
2008. com/english/2009-11/11/content_12435807.htm. Accessed
January 31, 2010.
34 “China Clari es Consumption Tax Exemption for Biodiesel
Production.” China Brie ng. July 4, 2011. http://www.china- 44 “Shell’s China venture to build Tianjin fuel storage – agency.” Reuters. January 9, 2012.
tax-exemption-for-biodiesel-production.html.Accessed article/2012/01/09/shell-idUSL3E8C95I520120109. Accessed
November 4, 2011. November 27, 2012.
35 “China to produce 189 mln tones of crude oil this year.” 45 Chen Aizhu. “PetroChina, Shell’s $13 billion re nery stalls
Xinhua. December 28, 2008. on land issue: sources.” Reuters. September 11, 2013. http://
english/2008-12/28/content_10569701.htm.Accessed w w w. r e u t e r s . c o m / a r t i c l e / 2 0 1 3 / 0 9 / 1 1 / u s - c h i n a - r e f i n e r y -
December 30, 2008. idUSBRE98A0G220130911. Accessed February 2, 2014.
36 “China Energy Data, Statistics and Analysis.” Energy Information 46 Chen Aizhu. “Chevron’s $6.4 billion China gas project pushed
Administration, e United States Department of Energy. back again: sources.” Reuters. December 6, 2013. http://
November 2010.
Background.html. Accessed February 2, 2011. idUSBRE9B507520131206. Accessed February 2, 2014.
37 Jim Bai. “China to boost oil stockpiling amid price slump.” 47 “Challenging conditions may continue, says Sinopec.” China
Reuters. December 29, 2008. Daily. December 25, 2009.
oilRpt/idUKPEK29764020081229. Accessed December 30, bizchina/2009-12/25/content_9228303.htm. Accessed January
2008. 31, 2010.
38 Wang Qian. “Oil imports hit alarming level in China: Study.” 48 Lan Lan. “Fuel-price drop good news.” China Daily. October
China Daily. January 14, 2010. 9, 2011.
bizchina/2010-01/14/content_9317926.htm.Accessed February content_13853620.htm. Accessed November 4, 2011.
2, 2011.
48 Du Juan. “NDRC raises fuel prices.” China Daily. September
39 “China’s re ning capacity may rise 50%, Sinopec says.” 11, 2012.
China Daily. May 25, 2010. content_15748829.htm. Accessed November 27, 2012.
November 25, 2010. 50 “China to cut fuel prices starting Friday.” Xinhua. November
15, 2012.
40 Wang Yu and Li Xiang. “Construction of petroleum reserves content_15934040.htm . Accessed November 27, 2012.
proceeding.” China Daily. July 23, 2011. http://www.chinadaily. 51 Zhou Yan. “Growth in oil use to slow in tandem with economy.”
November 4, 2011. China Daily. August 12, 2011.
41 “China to invest 80 billion yuan in oil and gas exploration November 4, 2011.
this year.” Reuters. September 15, 2013. http://www.
idUSBRE98E03S20130915. Accessed February 2, 2014.