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8 Speech at Ted X Songshan 14 France National Day Reception
July Lake Evolution 3.0. July

Dr. Harley Seyedin delivered a On the occasion of the promulgation of the French Republic,
keynote speech at Ted X Songshan the Consulate General of France celebrated National Day
Lake Evolution 3.0. The event, held on Reception on July 14th at the Sofitel Guangzhou. Representatives
July 8th, 2023, focused on exploring from the governments of provinces and cities in South China as well
Evolution 3.0 from digital, cultural, and as consulates general of multiple countries in Guangzhou, attended
social angles, promoting innovation. the event. Dr. Harley Seyedin, president of AmCham South China,
The discussions delved into potential was invited to the event. The reception was addressed with the
advancements in AI, the metaverse, welcome remarks of Consul General Mr. Sylvain FOURRIERE. He
health sciences, clean energy, education, highlighted that he will lead the team of the Consulate General
and societal and workplace dynamics. to make every effort to develop and strengthen the relationship
It united international speakers and between France and the South China region.
guests from cities like Dongguan, Xiamen,
Shenzhen, and Guangzhou, reflecting
rich diversity. At TED X Songshan Lake,
participants engaged in sharing profound
ideas, contributing to an extraordinary
experience. The event symbolized the
collective spirit of innovation and unity,
aligning diverse voices from around
the world to pursue a harmonious and
prosperous future.

20 Speech at the Second Innovation and
Intellectual Property Protection (BFA)

Conference (IIPPC) of Boao Forum for Asia

Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) convened the 2nd Innovation
and Intellectual Property Protection Conference (IIPPC) in
Guangzhou on July 20. Distinguished guests from China and abroad
attended the conference including the representatives from
Chinese government, scientific research institutes, international
organizations, and officials of foreign consulates in Guangzhou.
Dr. Harley Seyedin, president of AmCham South China, was invited
to attend the event and share his ideas in a subforum. During the
event, Representatives called on all stakeholders in the intellectual
property community to deepen exchanges and cooperation and
jointly explore the immense potential of global innovation and
sustainable development. They advocated more engagement in
global intellectual property governance under the framework of
WIPO to help stipulate and polish the relevant rules and standards
of international application, protection, utilization and trade of
intellectual property, and a bigger contribution to safeguarding the
multilateral cooperation order of global intellectual property.

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