P. 29
s mentioning “smog” in the Peoples Daily newspaper since launch Effects of pollution intensity on bank card transactions since launch of
of the monitoring program the monitoring program
surged: 82% were released between 2013 specifically, after implementation of the
and 2015, compared to the 18% released program, a doubling in city pollution
between 2009 and 2013. National surveys levels in a given week was associated with
also showed a rise in respondents’ concern 1.2–2.3% fewer deaths. Eighty percent
for environmental issues after the program of this reduction in mortality came from
launch, driven primarily by people living in declines in cardiovascular and respiratory
cities with high levels of air pollution. illnesses that are commonly linked to
pollution exposure. This decline in mortality
Public awareness of pollution levels amounted to approximately 114,000
triggers behavioral changes. Following fewer deaths per year for those aged 60
the introduction of the monitoring and above. The analysis also showed that
system, people made fewer shopping residents of wealthier cities were better
trips during periods of higher pollution: a able to limit their pollution exposure.
doubling of pollution levels caused a 1.4
percentage point decrease in bank card Publicizing pollution data achieves major
transactions from the mean transaction health gains at low cost. Evidence from
frequency. For outdoor activities that were the pollution monitoring program suggests
easily deferrable, such as supermarket that China’s decision to provide real-time
visits, restaurant dining, or amusement pollution data combined with dissemination
park visits, the decline was sharper, at infrastructure such as smartphones and the
between 2.6 and 5.5 percentage points. Internet served as a powerful tool to help
The monitoring program also significantly households mitigate the health damages
intensified defensive spending: purchases caused by environmental pollution.
of air purifiers more than doubled — rising Researchers’ cost-benefit analysis found
from 11,000 units per month in 2012 to that the savings from reduced mortality
more than 25,000 units per month after and morbidity amounted to at least $14.9
2013 — and their purchase became highly billion per year. Costs of the program,
correlated with local air pollution levels. including increased defensive spending,
foregone consumption, and the costs of the
Awareness of pollution reduces monitoring program itself amounted to $1.4
mortality. After pollution information billion annually. Taken together, the study
became widely available, researchers suggests that empowering the public with
found that individual behaviors changed real-time pollution information mobilizes
to mitigate the effects of pollution. The individuals’ ability to mitigate the adverse
end result was a drop in mortality. More consequences of pollution at a relatively
low cost.
of the monitoring program the monitoring program
surged: 82% were released between 2013 specifically, after implementation of the
and 2015, compared to the 18% released program, a doubling in city pollution
between 2009 and 2013. National surveys levels in a given week was associated with
also showed a rise in respondents’ concern 1.2–2.3% fewer deaths. Eighty percent
for environmental issues after the program of this reduction in mortality came from
launch, driven primarily by people living in declines in cardiovascular and respiratory
cities with high levels of air pollution. illnesses that are commonly linked to
pollution exposure. This decline in mortality
Public awareness of pollution levels amounted to approximately 114,000
triggers behavioral changes. Following fewer deaths per year for those aged 60
the introduction of the monitoring and above. The analysis also showed that
system, people made fewer shopping residents of wealthier cities were better
trips during periods of higher pollution: a able to limit their pollution exposure.
doubling of pollution levels caused a 1.4
percentage point decrease in bank card Publicizing pollution data achieves major
transactions from the mean transaction health gains at low cost. Evidence from
frequency. For outdoor activities that were the pollution monitoring program suggests
easily deferrable, such as supermarket that China’s decision to provide real-time
visits, restaurant dining, or amusement pollution data combined with dissemination
park visits, the decline was sharper, at infrastructure such as smartphones and the
between 2.6 and 5.5 percentage points. Internet served as a powerful tool to help
The monitoring program also significantly households mitigate the health damages
intensified defensive spending: purchases caused by environmental pollution.
of air purifiers more than doubled — rising Researchers’ cost-benefit analysis found
from 11,000 units per month in 2012 to that the savings from reduced mortality
more than 25,000 units per month after and morbidity amounted to at least $14.9
2013 — and their purchase became highly billion per year. Costs of the program,
correlated with local air pollution levels. including increased defensive spending,
foregone consumption, and the costs of the
Awareness of pollution reduces monitoring program itself amounted to $1.4
mortality. After pollution information billion annually. Taken together, the study
became widely available, researchers suggests that empowering the public with
found that individual behaviors changed real-time pollution information mobilizes
to mitigate the effects of pollution. The individuals’ ability to mitigate the adverse
end result was a drop in mortality. More consequences of pollution at a relatively
low cost.