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involved in the construction, operation and maintenance different e-payment options, station robots and smart toilets
of railway networks in the Mainland of China, Macao, the have been introduced to the network recently.
United Kingdom, Sweden and Australia. In 2022, several
remarkable milestones were achieved, including the service Additionally, the Corporation actively adopts new technologies
commencement of the southern section of Beijing Metro Line for its daily operations and maintenance. For example, it makes
16 (operated by MTR’s associate Beijing MTR Corporation use of smart solutions and real-time monitoring technologies
Limited) and London’s Elizabeth Line (operated by a wholly to uplift operational performance and safety as well as
owned subsidiary of MTR Corporation). maintenance efficiency. It has also established a Data Studio to
• Continuous improvement of passengers’ journeys facilitate preventive maintenance of railway assets through big
MTR always seeks continuous service enhancement. Significant data analysis by artificial intelligence systems and platforms.
investment is made every year asset upgrades, ranging
from major projects to smaller-scale initiatives, to enhance • Building a better Hong Kong
passengers' comfort and overall travelling experience.
In recent years, it has purchased 93 new trains for urban Going beyond railway construction and operation, MTR aspires
lines and 40 Light Rail vehicles with a record high investment to Keep Cities Moving by building inclusive and sustainable
in train replacement. The new trains are gradually being put communities in which environmental, social and governance
into service, bringing a more pleasant travelling experience principles are a centrepiece. Three social and environmental
to passengers and more reliable train operations. objectives, namely social inclusion, greenhouse gas emissions
In fact, service enhancement is not the only way for MTR reduction and advancement & opportunities, have been
to enrich passengers’ journeys. Through its "Art in MTR" identified, supporting the United Nations Sustainable
programme, over 80 stimulating and attractive art pieces are Development Goals.
displayed at stations all around Hong Kong to create a more
vibrant and vivid travelling experience. As a low-carbon transportation operator, MTR has committed
• Smart Mobility, Operations and Maintenance to the establishment of science-based carbon reduction targets
MTR strives to “Go Smart Go Beyond” in its customer for the year 2030 for its railway and property businesses in
service, operations and maintenance, adopting the latest Hong Kong with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality by
technologies, innovations and sustainable practices to make 2050. It not only incorporates green features and energy
the Corporation’s performance and the journeys of customers efficiency measures in its railway network and properties
better than ever. but also leverages different touch points to promote a green
To make passenger journeys more hassle-free, the Corporation lifestyle for customers. Various notable initiatives have been
is promoting smart commuting. MTR Mobile App, one of implemented, including the large-scale chiller replacement for
its most welcomed initiatives, offers passengers all-round reduction of electricity consumption, adoption of renewable
information such as route suggestions, information on energy and the provision of water dispensers for passengers in
connecting with other transport modes and estimated train stations and properties. The recently launched “Legacy Train
arrival times. Moreover, a range of smart features, including Revitalisation Programme” that revitalises and upcycles retired
the Train Car Loading Indicator that enables passengers to see trains and their components also demonstrates MTR’s focus
the occupancy of each train compartment, entry/exit gates with on sustainability.

* More than 80 stimulating and attractive art pieces are installed at MTR stations to In addition, the Corporation is committed to provide universal
enrich passengers’ journeys (The photo shows Admiralty Station). accessible mobility and ensure that its services are available to
people from all walks of life. All of its stations are equipped with
at least one barrier-free access. MTR also continuously optimises
its services and facilities to better cater for the different needs of
passengers. For instance, a number of elderly- and family-friendly

facilities such as additional lifts,
platform seats, large and easy-
to-read signages and babycare
rooms have been added to
the stations. A brand-new
“MTR-Care” App has also been
developed, providing smart
functions to facilitate the travel
needs of the elderly and visually
impaired passengers.

Connecting communities
and business partners with
opportunities for advancement
is also another focus of MTR
to create positive impact
and long-term value for its
stakeholders. The Corporation
is committed to upskilling its
employees, enhancing the
skills and innovative capacity
of the future generations and
fostering sustainable growth
of local enterprises in the cities
where it operates.

*Includes subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures in
Hong Kong and worldwide

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