P. 12

* MTR railway service covers all 18 districts in Hong Kong, providing the city with Rail plus Property” model is
great connectivity. instrumental in providing a
sustainable funding framework to
ensure the delivery of world-class
railway service.

Many had known that the “Rail plus the process, we also built new communities and
Property” has been identified as one of the revitalise older urban areas of Hong Kong.
successful models for rail operators worldwide.
Could you introduce the “Rail plus Property” Based on the successful implementation in Hong
model to our readers? How does it contribute Kong, we are also sharing our experiences with
to the sustainable development of MTR, our partners in the Mainland of China.
business community and local economy?
MTR has received recognition for
Railways are not cheap to build and maintain. its sustainability efforts and made
The upfront investment cost aside, it takes a very continuous efforts to create an inclusive
strong financial discipline to allocate resources at and sustainable community. Could you
the suitable junctures of the life cycle to maintain describe some of the initiatives that have been
and upkeep the railways at a high standard. In implemented to achieve this goal?
Hong Kong, most of our railway lines are decades-
old but we have maintained it at such a good MTR strives to contribute to the city’s
shape that one popular YouTuber has billed it growth and embed environmental, social
as the “world’s best metro”, saying jokingly that and governance (“ESG”) into our businesses.
the stations are so clean you can sleep on them. Three priority areas, namely Social Inclusion,
Credit should go to our team of professionals Advancement & Opportunities and Greenhouse
who are fully committed to running a world-class Gas Emissions Reduction, has been set forth to
railway system. At the same time, the “Rail plus advance our objectives.
Property” model is instrumental in providing a Taking reducing greenhouse gas emissions as an
sustainable funding framework to ensure the example, railway is already a low-carbon mode
delivery of world-class railway service. of public transport. To further contribute to a
low-carbon city, we have been exploring green
With revenue generated from property and energy efficient measures in the planning,
development close to the railway lines, we are design, construction and operation of the railway
able to finance new railway projects and make network and properties, such as installing solar
sufficient provision for maintaining, upgrading and panels and adopting regenerative braking
renewing the existing railway system so that the systems for trains to play our part in transiting
community could continue to enjoy safe, reliable, Hong Kong to a carbon neutral city by 2050.
sustainable and high-quality railway services. In

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