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The 133rd
Canton Fair

China Import and Export Fair, also known as the for global buyers this session, including trade
“Canton Fair”, is an important channel for China’s matchmaking, onsite courtesies, awards for
foreign trade sector and a demonstration of China’s attendance, etc. New and regular buyers can enjoy
opening up policy. online or onsite services before, during and after
the exhibition.
The Canton Fair is held every spring and autumn in
Guangzhou, China since its establishment in 1957. The The International Pavilion was inaugurated in the
132nd Canton Fair attracted 510,000 buyers online 101st session to promote balanced growth of
from 229 countries and regions, reflecting the huge import and export. In the 133rd session, national
commercial value and its importance of contributing and regional delegations from Turkey, South
to global trade. Korea, Japan, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong,
Macao, Taiwan, etc, will actively participate in the
The 133rd Canton Fair is scheduled to be held on International Pavilion, demonstrating the images
April 15th, which will be full of highlights. The first is and features of different regions intensively and
to expand the scale and consolidate the position displaying the influence of industrial clusters.
of “China’s No. 1 Fair”. The physical exhibition will Outstanding international enterprises from Germany,
be fully resumed and held in three phases. As the Spain and Egypt have shown active participation. The
133rd Canton Fair will use its venue expansion for International Pavilion at the 133rdCanton Fair will
the first time, the exhibition area will be expanded make it more convenient for international exhibitors
from 1.18 million to 1.5 million square meters. The to participate in.
second is to optimize the exhibition structure
and display the latest development of various “Canton Fair Product Design and Trade Promotion
sectors. We will improve the layout of the exhibition Center” (PDC), since its establishment in the 109th
section, and add new categories. The third is to hold session, has served as a design service platform to
the Fair online and offline and accelerate digital bridge “Made in China” and “Designed by World”. For
transformation. We will accelerate the integration of many years, PDC closely follows the market demand
virtual and physical Fair and digitalization. Exhibitors and has developed business such as design show,
can complete the whole process digitally, including design matchmaking and thematic forum, design
application for participation, booth arrangement, service promotion, etc., which have been universally
product displaying and onsite preparation. The fourth recognized by the market.
is to enhance targeted
marketing and expand
global buyer market.
We will open wide to
invite buyers from home
and abroad. The fifth
is to increase forum
activities to improve the
investment promotion
function. In 2023, we will
hold the second Pearl
River Forum modeled
as one plus N to build a
stage for international
trade opinions, spread
our voice and contribute
Canton Fair wisdom.

With meticulous
preparation, we will
provide comprehensive
one-stop services

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