P. 30

Dr. Harley Seyedin

Promoting Sustainability and
Social Inclusiveness in South China

Written by Ingrid Moshuus, Oslo Business for Peace Foundation
This interview and article were originally conducted and written by the Oslo
Business for Peace Foundation

Dr. Harley Seyedin is the President of the the project for the first three years. After the three
American Chamber of Commerce in South China years, no foreigners operated the project and it
and of Allelon Energy Systems and has spent the became a locally-owned business. The power plant
last three decades in South China, building a multi- was a success because of the centrality of the local
national electricity and low carbon infrastructure community in the project. Harley emphasises that
development business. The promotion of a when a project is over, the local community should
sustainable development model that will benefit the grow and prosper as a result. They have today
people and future generations have always been at shut down the power plant to reduce their carbon
the core of his work. In 2017 he was recognized with footprint, but the land has been kept and protected,
the Oslo Business for Peace Award. We had a chat providing new opportunities for the local community.
with him about his work and how he implements
sustainability into the core of his business operations Currently, they are developing the land into a
and investments. massive industrial park to manufacture high
technology products and medical equipment. The
• From Power Plant to Industrial Park project also holds developmental components,
including the building of a K-12 school system,
When Mr Seyedin first started in China, the country a firehouse, an underground bus station, and
was under major development. Harley traveled creating thousands of jobs. In this way, his business
around China and witnessed poverty in the different operations are contributing to a positive and
villages, which prompted him to get involved in sustainable development of the local community.
the country’s development and contribute to the An essential aspect in all of Harley’s work is
growth of the local communities. One of his first sustainability. For him, sustainability is about
projects was the construction of a power plant in ensuring a better future for our future generations.
the city of Dongguan, which the local community A sustainable business will raise the living standards
was eager to be included in. Mr Seyedin engaged the of the people and communities affected by the
local community by providing them with 40 percent business operations and investments and include
of the interests of the power plant, he trained them in the entire process, as Harley demonstrated
members of the local community to operate the in the development of the power plant and its
project, and he implemented only one expatriate in transformation to a industrial park.

Dongguan Houjie in 1960s (left); Modern Dongguan Houjie (middle & right)

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