P. 12
VER STORY upward trajectory, with four-
fifths of companies that actually
researched volume which presents a multifaceted reinvested in China in 2022.
and unbiased account of the business
environment in China. Most companies still consider
The 141-page bilingual Special Report on the China as a critical part in their
State of the Business in South China, our 19th future strategic development
such endeavor, provides a comprehensive and plans. 75% of the participating
quantitative analysis of the business community companies plan to reinvest in
and valuable insights into the development China in 2023, including 68% of
trends in South China. This year 210 companies American companies that are
were studied. determined to dig deeper into the
By means of quantitative statistics and graphs, Chinese market.
President of AmCham South China Dr. Harley
Seyedin briefed over 300 Meanwhile, 74% of the
keen attendants on this participating companies chose
year’s findings. not to shift their investments out
According to the 2023 of China. Not a single company
Special Report on the has intention to leave China
State of Business in South entirely. And Guangzhou has been
China, companies are recognized as the top preferred
cautious about high-volume investment destination in China
reinvestments (more than six years in a row, followed by
US$250 million) but their Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Beijing.
appetite for exploring
the Chinese market Eventually, we were thrilled to announce
remains strong. 75% of the the lucky draw winners among the 2023
companies plan to reinvest State of Business Study participants and
in China in 2023 and they onsite attendees. The 4 winners out of this
have set aside a whopping year's survey participants received Three
US$18.3 billion in cash for 1,000 RMB Cash prizes and 1 coupon for
reinvestment over the next One Night Stay at One Bedroom Executive
three to five years. with Two Buffet Breakfasts from Fraser
It’s worth mentioning that Suites Guangzhou. And the 3 winners out
the investment enthusiasm of onsite attendees received 2 American
of companies is on an Red Wind and 1 SAGA luxury watch.

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