P. 11
American Chamber of Commerce in South
China (“AmCham South China”) released its 2023
White Paper on the Business Environment in China
and 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in
South China on February 27, 2023, in Guangzhou.
The release was attended by over 300 government
officials, business executives, and members of
media including over 51 foreign consulates mostly
represented by their consuls general.
These two annual research reports, released
by AmCham South China, show that China’s
economy is on a fast road to recovery and
that foreign companies’ large reinvestments
were postponed in 2022 but their appetite for
reinvestment remains high.
It is important to note that the gathering of the
study data was completed by December 15th,
2022, shortly before China ended its zero covid
policy. Therefore, the study data has not been
impacted by the immediate emotional impact
of the policy change. The Chamber plans on
conducting a mid-year study to determine the
accurate and actual impact of the policy change.
Both publications are researched and produced
independently by AmCham South China and do
not represent the opinions of the US or any other
government or organization. AmCham South China
does not receive any funds from any government
in the production of these publications.
The 481-page bilingual White Paper on the
Business Environment in China, now in its
16th year, is a well-structured and extensively-

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