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Air Products Wins Sustainability Role Model
Award 2022 in China

Air Products, a world-leading industrial gases company serving China market for 35 years, has
won the prestigious Sustainability Role Model Award 2022 at the 12th China Philanthropy
Festival for its outstanding contributions to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and China’s
sustainable development. This marks the eighth consecutive year that the company has been
recognized at this influential event.

Over the past seven years, Air Products has already
received the Best Social Responsibility Brand Award four
times, the Overall Community Care Award three times, and
the Best Community Program Award twice, demonstrating
the company’s long-term commitment and real actions
in sustainability.

A responsible corporate citizen, Air Products has actively
driven and participated in a variety of CSR activities in
China, including the LIN (liquid nitrogen) Ambassador gas
science education program to foster the next generation’s
interest in innovation and scientific thinking through fun
and safe LIN experiments; the Safe and Healthy Drinking
Water initiative through the Air Products Foundation to
care for younger generations in rural schools. The two
community outreach programs have benefited over 80,000
students and teachers from 180 schools in 26 cities. The
company and its employee volunteers also supported
COVID-19 recovery, disaster relief efforts and other
donations to help people in need.

2022 Advanced Technology Award-Mobile Cobot
at Apex Medica

Apex AGV won the Advanced Tech
Award in Marmon’s World Senior
Leaders Meeting, out of 750 projects
among over 400 entities.

Apex's new Cobot mounted on an
Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) allows
it to move between machining cells,
tending multiple units where a static
system could only support a single
cell. This allows increased production
with no new people, while maximizing
the productivity of deployed capital.
It is a solution on the cutting edge of
automation technology.

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