P. 18
A Flash Back to the Webinar: IPR Anderson & Anderson LLP in New
Advancements and Cooperation York Office also joined the webinar.
They delivered a keynote speech on
the topic of Preventing and Resolving
IP Disputes Between States: The
TRIPS Agreement and WTO Dispute
Settlement System. Moreover, Mr.
Drew Edient, from Connecticut Office
and Ms.Julie Kaiga from Los Angeles
Office, also shared their thoughts and
advice on several IP Protection Studies.
In addition to the presentations, they
also shared their current practice with
others through Q&A sessions to discuss
the latest development of IPR in this
fast-changing era. The webinar was
closed successfully after the closing
remarks by Dr.David C. Buxbaum.
In the end, sincere thanks to Anderson &
Anderson LLP and their excellent experts
for their great support and sharing.
On Tuesday, 29th November, brief comments by Consulate General Dr. Harley Seyedin, President, American
AmCham South China, Ms. Lisa Heller, Mr. Duncan Willson, IP Chamber of Commerce in South China;
cooperating with Anderson & Counselor, U.S. Embassy to China, then
Anderson LLP, hosted a webinar delivered the keynote speech on the Dr. David Buxbaum, Managing Partner,
to discuss the IPR Advancements U.S.-China IP Relations: Past, Present Anderson and Anderson
and Cooperation of China and the and Future.
United States. We would like to thank Scott Akin, US Attorney, of Counsel to Anderson &
experts from Anderson & Anderson Dr. David Buxbaum, the Managing Anderson LLP, Los Angeles Office
LLP for providing insightful advice Partner of Anderson & Anderson
and explanation to our audiences. then gave his overview of The Waves
We would also like to extend sincere and Tides of IP Laws. We were also
thanks to Consul General at U.S. honored to have Ms.Yan Jie, Deputy
Consulate General in Guangzhou, Ms. Director of the IPR Arbitration court
Lisa Heller for giving the welcome from the Guangzhou Arbitration
remarks, and Guangzhou Arbitration Committee, share her experiences in
Committee’s support to the webinar. IPR protection and Cooperation.
Participants from different industries
and backgrounds joined the online Mr. Scott Akin, US Attorney of Counsel
events, with over 60 participants to Anderson & Anderson LLP in the
joining the webinar for discussion with Los Angeles Office, elaborated his
leading experts worldwide. insightful study of U.S. Development
of Intellectual Property Rights &
AmCham president Harley Seyedin Enforcement. Mr. Alexander Janoso,
kicked off the webinar with an Junior Partner, and, Mr. Michael
informative opening remark. After Grossman, Associate Attorney from
Michael Grossman, Associate Alexander Janoso, Junior Drew Edient , Anderson & Anderson Julie Kaiga,Anderson & Anderson Yan Jie, Deputy Director of IPR
Attorney, Anderson & Anderson Partner, Anderson & Anderson LLP, LLP, Connecticut Office LLP, Los Angeles Office Arbitration Court, GZ Arbitration
LLP, New York Office New York Office Committee
A Flash Back to the Webinar: IPR Anderson & Anderson LLP in New
Advancements and Cooperation York Office also joined the webinar.
They delivered a keynote speech on
the topic of Preventing and Resolving
IP Disputes Between States: The
TRIPS Agreement and WTO Dispute
Settlement System. Moreover, Mr.
Drew Edient, from Connecticut Office
and Ms.Julie Kaiga from Los Angeles
Office, also shared their thoughts and
advice on several IP Protection Studies.
In addition to the presentations, they
also shared their current practice with
others through Q&A sessions to discuss
the latest development of IPR in this
fast-changing era. The webinar was
closed successfully after the closing
remarks by Dr.David C. Buxbaum.
In the end, sincere thanks to Anderson &
Anderson LLP and their excellent experts
for their great support and sharing.
On Tuesday, 29th November, brief comments by Consulate General Dr. Harley Seyedin, President, American
AmCham South China, Ms. Lisa Heller, Mr. Duncan Willson, IP Chamber of Commerce in South China;
cooperating with Anderson & Counselor, U.S. Embassy to China, then
Anderson LLP, hosted a webinar delivered the keynote speech on the Dr. David Buxbaum, Managing Partner,
to discuss the IPR Advancements U.S.-China IP Relations: Past, Present Anderson and Anderson
and Cooperation of China and the and Future.
United States. We would like to thank Scott Akin, US Attorney, of Counsel to Anderson &
experts from Anderson & Anderson Dr. David Buxbaum, the Managing Anderson LLP, Los Angeles Office
LLP for providing insightful advice Partner of Anderson & Anderson
and explanation to our audiences. then gave his overview of The Waves
We would also like to extend sincere and Tides of IP Laws. We were also
thanks to Consul General at U.S. honored to have Ms.Yan Jie, Deputy
Consulate General in Guangzhou, Ms. Director of the IPR Arbitration court
Lisa Heller for giving the welcome from the Guangzhou Arbitration
remarks, and Guangzhou Arbitration Committee, share her experiences in
Committee’s support to the webinar. IPR protection and Cooperation.
Participants from different industries
and backgrounds joined the online Mr. Scott Akin, US Attorney of Counsel
events, with over 60 participants to Anderson & Anderson LLP in the
joining the webinar for discussion with Los Angeles Office, elaborated his
leading experts worldwide. insightful study of U.S. Development
of Intellectual Property Rights &
AmCham president Harley Seyedin Enforcement. Mr. Alexander Janoso,
kicked off the webinar with an Junior Partner, and, Mr. Michael
informative opening remark. After Grossman, Associate Attorney from
Michael Grossman, Associate Alexander Janoso, Junior Drew Edient , Anderson & Anderson Julie Kaiga,Anderson & Anderson Yan Jie, Deputy Director of IPR
Attorney, Anderson & Anderson Partner, Anderson & Anderson LLP, LLP, Connecticut Office LLP, Los Angeles Office Arbitration Court, GZ Arbitration
LLP, New York Office New York Office Committee